android按钮背景颜色函数,Android按钮背景颜色(Android button background color)

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Android按钮背景颜色(Android button background color)


我试图设置的颜色是holo_green_light(#ff99cc00) 。 为了做到这一点,我使用setColorFilter(0xff99cc00, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);




I am trying to set the background color of a button in my app and I am unable to achieve the result that I want…

The color that I am trying to set is holo_green_light(#ff99cc00). In order to do it, I am using setColorFilter(0xff99cc00, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);

The color that I get is not the holo_green_light but a mix of lightgrey and holo_green_light.

I have tried using the LightingColorFilter without much success.

Is there a way to do it programatically, so that the button appears like a button and not a flat