
Everything you do online can be traced back to your IP address. Even if you’re accessing encrypted websites, networks can see the websites you’re accessing – and the websites themselves know your IP address. Use the Tor network to browse with anonymity.
您在线上所做的一切都可以追溯到您的IP地址。 即使您正在访问加密的网站,网络也可以看到您正在访问的网站-并且网站本身也知道您的IP地址。 使用Tor网络匿名浏览。
Tor is an encrypted network that can route your traffic through relays, making the traffic appear to come from exit nodes. Unlike with proxies, the exit node itself doesn’t know your IP address or where you are.
Tor是一个加密的网络,可以通过中继路由您的流量,从而使流量似乎来自出口节点。 与代理不同,出口节点本身不知道您的IP地址或您的位置。
How Tor Works
When you use a Tor client, your Internet traffic is routed through Tor’s network. The traffic travels through several randomly selected relays (run by volunteers), before exiting the Tor network and arriving at your destination. This prevents your Internet service provider and people monitoring your local network from viewing the websites you access. It also prevents the websites themselves from knowing your physical location or IP address – they’ll see the IP address and location of the exit node instead. Even the relays don’t know who requested the traffic they’re passing along. All traffic within the Tor network is encrypted.
当您使用Tor客户端时,您的Internet通信将通过Tor的网络进行路由。 在离开Tor网络到达目的地之前,流量会经过几个随机选择的中继站(由志愿者运行)。 这样可以防止Internet服务提供商和监视您的本地网络的人员查看您访问的网站。 它还会