python nltk.index()_用NLTK处理自己的文件 | 学步园

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>>> import nltk

>>> from nltk.corpus import BracketParseCorpusReader

>>> corpus_root = r”C:\Program Files\360\360zip\LiveUpdateLog”

>>> file_pattern = r”.*.log”

>>> ptb = BracketParseCorpusReader(corpus_root, file_pattern)

>>> ptb.fileids()

[‘360zipUpdate.log’, ‘P2SP_360zipupdate.log’, ‘P2SP_360zipupdate22ss.log’, ‘eretertwer.log’, ‘fergwegjwelkg.log’, ‘tqos_log.log’]

>>> len(ptb.sents())


>>> ptb.sents(fileids=’tqos_log.log’)[19]

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 1, in


File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\nltk-2.0.4-py2.7.egg\nltk\corpus\reader\”, line 264, in __getitem__

raise IndexError(‘index out of range’)

IndexError: index out of range

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