Xcode Command Lines Tool 是什么
Xcode Command Lines Tool 是终端下xcode开发相关的命令行工具集合。Command Lines Tool这里我们简写为CLT
CTL可以有多套,系统默认一个,Xcode IDE自带一个
Xcode IDE的CTL路径为:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Xcode-Select 可以切换CTL
$ xcode-select -h
Usage: xcode-select [options]
Print or change the path to the active developer directory. This directory
controls which tools are used for the Xcode command line tools (for example,
xcodebuild) as well as the BSD development commands (such as cc and make).
-h, --help print this help message and exit
-p, --print-path print the path of the active developer directory
-s <path>, --switch <path> set the path for the active developer directory
--install open a dialog for installation of the command line developer tools
-v, --version print the xcode-select version
-r, --reset reset to the default command line tools path
xcode-select -p
xcrun 可以运行当前CTL下的某个命令
xcrun -h
Usage: xcrun [options] <tool name> ... arguments ...
Find and execute the named command line tool from the active developer
The active developer directory can be set using `xcode-select`, or via the
DEVELOPER_DIR environment variable. See the xcrun and xcode-select manual
pages for more information.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show the xcrun version
-v, --verbose show verbose logging output
--sdk <sdk name> find the tool for the given SDK name
--toolchain <name> find the tool for the given toolchain
-l, --log show commands to be executed (with --run)
-f, --find only find and print the tool path
-r, --run find and execute the tool (the default behavior)
-n, --no-cache do not use the lookup cache
-k, --kill-cache invalidate all existing cache entries
--show-sdk-path show selected SDK install path
--show-sdk-version show selected SDK version
--show-sdk-build-version show selected SDK build version
--show-sdk-platform-path show selected SDK platform path
--show-sdk-platform-version show selected SDK platform version
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