outlook 卸载重装后,会把之前已收的邮件,再次下载到本地,出现大量重复邮件。
outlook duplicate items remover,Duplicate Email Remover,NoMoreDupes for Outlook
- 打开outlook,按快捷键Alt+F11,建立工程,并复制宏。
Option Explicit Sub DeleteDuplicateEmailsInSelectedFolder() Dim i As Long Dim n As Long Dim DeletedCount As Long Dim Message As String Dim Items As Object Dim AppOL As Object Dim NS As Object Dim Folder As Object Set Items = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'Initialize and instance of Outlook Set AppOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'Get the MAPI Name Space Set NS = AppOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") 'Allow the user to select a folder in Outlook Set Folder = NS.PickFolder 'Get the count of the number of emails in the folder n = Folder.Items.Count 'Set the initial deleted count DeletedCount = 0 'Check each email starting from the last and working backwards to 1 'Loop backwards to ensure that the deleting of the emails does not interfere with subsequent items in the loop For i = n To 1 Step -1 On Error Resume Next 'Load the matching criteria to a variable 'This is setup to use the Sunject and Body, additional criteria could be added if desired Message = Folder.Items(i).Subject & "|" & Folder.Items(i).Body 'Check a dictionary variable for a match If Items.Exists(Message) = True Then 'If the item has previously been added then delete this duplicate Folder.Items(i).Delete DeletedCount = DeletedCount + 1 Else 'In the item has not been added then add it now so subsequent matches will be deleted Items.Add Message, True End If Next i ExitSub: 'Release the object variables from memory Set Folder = Nothing Set NS = Nothing Set AppOL = Nothing MsgBox "共删除" & DeletedCount & "封邮件。" End Sub
- 然后F5运行此宏即可。
- 如果提示宏被禁用,主菜单中文件->选项->信任中心,信任中心设置->宏设置,选择“启动所有宏”或者“为所有宏提供通知”。
- 也可以通过“自定义功能区”把宏显示在主选项卡中。不过不知道为什么,点击它好像没什么反应。好在可以通过F5运行。就不去查原因了。
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