db2 list history backup all for dbname
db2 list history backup since 20130301 for dbname
输出的列表中关于backup记录信息中关于类型的详细解释如下:(摘自DB2 InfoCenter)
Usage notes
The report generated by this command contains the following symbols:
Operation A - Create table space B - Backup C - Load copy D - Dropped table F - Roll forward G - Reorganize table L - Load N - Rename table space O - Drop table space Q - Quiesce R - Restore T - Alter table space U - Unload X - Archive log Type Archive Log types: P - Primary log path M - Secondary (mirror) log path F - Failover archive path 1 - Primary log archive method 2 - Secondary log archive method Backup types: F - Offline N - Online I - Incremental offline O - Incremental online D - Delta offline E - Delta online Rollforward types: E - End of logs P - Point in time Load types: I - Insert R - Replace Alter table space types: C - Add containers R - Rebalance Quiesce types: S - Quiesce share U - Quiesce update X - Quiesce exclusive Z - Quiesce reset
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