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3, 不能用轨道之类的东西引导机器人.



stop(); 停止 或等待下一个指令

This stops both motors, but then moves onto the next instruction if you want it stop and wait use halt().

forward(time1); 前进 (1/1000秒)

This moves the robot forward for time1 milliseconds

spinRight(time1); 向右旋转 (1/1000秒)

This moves the robot in a tight circle to the right using both motors time1 milliseconds (1/1000th of second)

turnRight(time1); 向右转 (1/1000秒)

This moves the robot in a looser circle than spinRight() to the right using both motors time1 milliseconds (1/1000th of second)

spinLeft(time1); 向左旋转(1/1000秒)

This moves the robot in a tight circle to the left using one motor for time1 milliseconds (1/1000th of second)

turnLeft(time1);向左转 (1/1000秒)

This moves the robot in a looser circle than spinLeft() to the left using one motor for time1 milliseconds (1/1000th of second)

backward(time1); 向后(1/1000秒)

This moves the robot backward time1 milliseconds (1/1000th of second)

bumpIt(int time1) 触碰传感器的端口为1和3:如果碰到任何一个的传感器是true ,则机器人返回

Using both touch sensors on ports 1 and 3 : If either touch sensor is true then move the robot backwards.

bumper(x) 触碰传感器的端口为X : 如果被接通返回为ture

Using a touch sensor on port x: Returns true if contact is made.

checkBumpers() 触碰传感器的端口为1和3: 如果任意一个接通则为true并返回,否则为false.

Using both touch sensors on ports 1 and 3 : If either touch sensor makes contact then true is returned else false is.

checkLight(x) 触碰传感器的端口为X:如果感应器在一般标准以上则为true并返回

Uses a light sensor on port x: Returns true if the sensor is above the line

halt() 机器人停止运行直到按下 view按钮

Stops the robot until the view button is pressed


A sets the duration, B power to left motor and C power to the right motor


which produces true value for light levels measured to be between 33 and 42 by the light sensor on port X.


Returns the light level as an integer for a particular sensor port X.


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