环境 Windows
使用 AutoHotKey ( https://www.autohotkey.com/ ) ,运行下面的 script
原来的 CapsLock 可以用 Shit + CapsLock键实现,CapsLock 映射为 Ctrl
在 windows 下另外一种常见的键映射方法是修改注册表,与用 AutoHotKey 之类的软件比较
Remapping via the Registry’s “Scancode Map”
Registry remapping is generally more pure and effective than
AutoHotkey’s remapping
. For example, it works in a broader variety of games, it has no known
alt-tab issues
, and it is capable of firing AutoHotkey’s hook hotkeys (whereas AutoHotkey’s remapping requires a
). -
If you choose to make the registry entries manually (explained below), absolutely no external software is needed to remap your keyboard. Even if you use
to make the registry entries for you, KeyTweak does not need to stay running all the time (unlike AutoHotkey).
- Registry remapping is relatively permanent: a reboot is required to undo the changes or put new ones into effect.
- Its effect is global: it cannot create remappings specific to a particular user, application, or locale.
- It cannot send keystrokes that are modified by Shift, Control, Alt, or AltGr. For example, it cannot remap a lowercase character to an uppercase one.
It supports only the keyboard (AutoHotkey has
mouse remapping
and some
limited joystick remapping
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