initialPreview: array, the list of image
files or any HTML markup to point to your uploaded files. If this
property is set, the plugin will automatically replace the files
dynamically in the preview content after upload success. The
configuration for this is similar to theinitialPreview
option setting. For example:
option setting 举个例子
initialPreviewConfig:array, the
configuration to identify properties for each file markup
ininitialPreviewitem (that is setup as part
ofinitialPreview). If this
property is set, the plugin will automatically replace the files
dynamically in the preview content after upload success. The
configuration for this is similar to
option setting. For
option setting 举个例子
initialPreviewThumbTags:array, an array of
objects corresponding to replacing tags within each initial preview
thumbnail. The initial preview thumbnails set
viainitialPreviewwill read this configuration for
replacing tags.
append: boolean, whether to append the
content to the initialPreview if you already set an initialPreview
on INIT. If not set this defaults totrue. If set
to false, the plugin
will overwrite the initialPreview content.
中追加内容。该属性的默认值为true。如果把它设为false 那么该插件会覆盖原来的initialPreview
For example the response from server would be sent
as {error: ‘You have faced
errors in 4 files.’, errorkeys: [0, 3, 4,
5]}. Note: The plugin will
automatically validate and display ajax exception errors.
‘You have faced errors in 4 files.’, errorkeys: [0, 3, 4,
5]} 注意,该插件会自动的检验和显示ajax异常信息。
You MUST send a
valid JSON response from your server, else the upload process will
fail. Even if you do not encounter any error, you must at least
send an empty JSON object {} from your server.
To trap and
display a validation error, your JSON response data must include
the error key, whose value will be the error
HTML markup to display. In addition, you must typically also send
the errorkeys for synchronous mode to
identify the keys for files which faced errors. This is to be setup
as mentioned above.
为了捕获和显示一个确定的错误,你的JSON响应必须包含一个error字段,其值应该是用来显示的HTML格式的报错信息。另外在同步模式中你必须发送errorkeys 字段来区分到底哪个文件遇到了异常。这个可以像上面提过的一样来设置
You can also send
in additional keys or data with your JSON response, for you to
process them for advanced cases using events likefilebatchuploadsuccess.
Options 附加选项
plugin supports these following options:
language 多语言
string, language
configuration for the plugin to enable the plugin to display
messages for your locale (you must set the ISO code for the
language). You can have multiple language widgets on the same page.
The locale JS file for the language code must be defined as
mentioned in the translations section. The file must be loaded
after fileinput.js.
字符串,一项使该插件为你当地显示相应消息的配置(你必须为你的语言设置ISO码,如zh,en)。你可以在同一个页面上配置多种语言。本地的语言码JS文件必须按照上面多语言章节进行定义,该文件会在fileinput.js 加载完之后开始加载。
theme 主题
string, theme to
use for the plugin (will default to the inbuilt theme if not set).
With release v4.3.2, the fileinput plugin supports advanced theming
and ability to have separate themes for multiple widgets on the
same page. To do this, follow these simple steps:
Load respective
theme JS file(s) that you need (e.g. themes/fa/fa.js for Font Awesome theme).
The theme file(s) must be loaded after thefileinput.js.
Awesome的主题配置 themes/fa/fa.js)。主题文件必须在fileinput.js 加载完毕之后再加载。
the theme property in the plugin to the
theme you need and which you have setup in your theme configuration
JS file above (e.g. ‘fa’).
The plugin will
automatically read the theme configuration for the theme name
from $fileinputThemes[”] from the JS file
(e.g. via$fileinputThemes[”]).
该插件会自动的根据$fileinputThemes[”] 标注的主题文件名字去从JS文件读取相应的主题配置文件
The plugin will
automatically also prepend the CSS
selector theme- to the file input container, so
that you can override your styles. The CSS for such themes can be
submitted by community in themes/THEME_NAME folder of the
该插件也会自动的在文件上传容器中伪装CSS选择器theme-,所以你可以覆盖你的风格。这些CSS主题会被社区提交到代码库的themes/THEME_NAME 文件夹。
You can
additionally load any theme specific CSS files if needed.
Currently the plugin includes the Font Awesome and Glyphicons
themes. More advanced themes may be added in future or can be
contributed here by the community.
目前,该插件包含了 Font Awesome
boolean whether to display the file caption.
Defaults to true.
boolean whether to display the file preview.
Defaults to true.
boolean whether to display the file remove/clear
button. Defaults to true.
boolean whether to display the file upload button.
Defaults to true. This will
default to a form submit button, unless the uploadUrl is
boolean whether to display the file upload cancel
button. Defaults to true. This will
be only enabled and displayed when an AJAX upload is in
boolean whether to display the close icon in the
preview. Defaults to `true`. This will be only parsed
when showPreview is true or when you are
using the{close} tag in your preview
boolean whether to persist display of the uploaded
file thumbnails in the preview window (for ajax uploads) until the
remove/clear button is pressed. Defaults
to true. When set
to false, a next
batch of files selected for upload will clear these thumbnails from
boolean whether to display the file browse button.
Defaults to true.
boolean whether to enable file browse/select on
clicking of the preview zone. Defaults
to false.
boolean whether to automatically replace the files
in the preview after the maxFileCount limit is reached and a new
set of file(s) is/are selected. This will only work if a
valid maxFileCount is set. Defaults
to false.
string, any
additional CSS class to append to the caption container.
string, any
additional CSS class to append to the preview container.
string, any
additional CSS class to append to the main plugin container that
will render the caption and the browse, remove, and upload buttons.
Defaults to file-caption-main.
boolean, whether
to purify HTML content displayed for HTML content type in preview.
Defaults to true. This
functionality will need the