(Message Passing Interface)和
(Parallel Virtual Machine)等。MPI(Message Passing Interface)以其
是一种基于消息传递的分布式并行计算编程模型与标准。各个厂商或组织遵循这些标准实现自己的MPI软件包,典型的实现包括开放源代码的MPICH、OpenMPI、MS-MPI、DeinoMPI以及不开放源代码的Intel MPI。
并行计算机(parallel computer):指能在同一时间执行多条指令的计算机。
并行编程模型(parallel programming model):并行计算机体系架构的一种抽象。
并行计算(parallel computing):是用多个处理器来协同求解同一问题,即将被求解的问题分解成若干个部分,各部分均由一个独立的处理机来并行计算。
并行算法(parallel algorithm):就是多个处理器来协同求解问题的方法和步骤。
1.1 MPI基础
,同一份代码对应多个进程,每个并行进程均有自己独立的地址空间,每个进程通过communicator rank标记; b)
A group is an ordered set of process identifiers (henceforth processes); processes are implementation-dependent objects. Each process in a group is associated with an integer rank. Ranks are contiguous and start from zero.
A context is a property of communicators (defined next) that allows partitioning of the communication space. A message sent in one context cannot be received in another context. Contexts are not explicit MPI objects; they appear only as part of the realization of communicators.
1.2 MPI网络通信模型
由于MPI抽象了底层的网络通信细节,所以,大多数情况下,并不需要掌握MPI底层网络通信模型。实际上,关于这一部分的网络资料很少,仅发现一篇讲述Open MPI架构的资料。
The Architecture of Open Source Applications (Volume 2): Open MPI
目前,OpenMPI、MPICH、Intel MPI支持OpenFabrics Interfaces (OFI)以实现了不同底层网络硬件的通信。OFI是一套网络通信编程接口,主要包括Libfabric、OFI provider等组件。
Ref. from Libfabric——————————————————————————————————–
OFI is a framework focused on exporting communication services to applications. OFI is specifically designed to meet the performance and scalability requirements of high-performance computing (HPC) applications running in a tightly coupled network environment. The key components of OFI are application interfaces, provider libraries, kernel services, daemons, and test applications.
Libfabric is a library that defines and exports the user-space API of OFI, and is typically the only software that applications deal with directly. The libfabric’s API does not depend on the underlying networking protocols, as well as on the implementation of the particular networking devices, over which it may be implemented. OFI is based on the notion of application centric I/O, meaning that the libfabric library is designed to align fabric services with application needs, providing a tight semantic fit between applications and the underlying fabric hardware. This reduces overall software overhead and improves application efficiency when transmitting or receiving data over a fabric.
——————————————————————————————————–Ref. from Libfabric
1.3 MPI数据类型
Tab.1 MPI数据类型
signed char unsigned char signed short int unsigned short int unsigned int signed int unsigned long int signed long int long long int |
float double long double |
1.4 常用编程接口
Tab. 2 常用MPI接口
Initialize the MPI execution environment |
Terminates MPI execution environment |
[in] communicator of tasks to abort
[in] error code to return to invoking environment
Terminates all MPI processes associated with the communicator comm |
MPI_WTIME returns a floating-point number of seconds, representing elapsed wall-clock time since some time in the past | |
[in] communicator (handle) |
Blocks the caller until all processes in the communicator have called it; that is, the call returns at any process only after all members of the communicator have entered the call. |
MPI_GROUP_INCL ( group, n, ranks, newgroup ) |
[in] group (handle)
[in] number of elements in array ranks (and size of newgroup ) (integer)
[in] ranks of processes in group to appear in newgroup (array of integers)
[out] new group derived from above, in the order defined by ranks (handle) |
Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only listed members |
Determines the rank of the calling process in the communicator |
Determines the size of the group associated with a communicator |
MPI_COMM_GROUP(comm, group) |
[in] Communicator (handle)
[out] Group in communicator (handle) |
Accesses the group associated with given communicator |
MPI_COM_CREATE ( comm, group, newcomm ) |
[in] communicator (handle)
[in] group, which is a subset of the group of comm (handle)
[out] new communicator (handle) |
Creates a new communicator |
MPI_COM_SPLIT ( comm, color, key, newcomm ) |
[in] communicator (handle)
[in] control of subset assignment (nonnegative integer). Processes with the same color are in the same new communicator
[in] control of rank assigment (integer)
[out] new communicator (handle) |
Creates new communicators based on colors and keys |
Performs a blocking send |
Blocking receive for a message |
MPI_BCAST ( buffer, count, datatype, root, comm ) |
[in/out] starting address of buffer (choice)
[in] number of entries in buffer (integer)
[in] data type of buffer (handle)
[in] rank of broadcast root (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Broadcasts a message from the process with rank “root” to all other processes of the communicator |
MPI_GATHER ( sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm ) |
Gathers together values from a group of processes |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] number of elements for any single receive (integer, significant only at root)
[in] data type of recv buffer elements (significant only at root) (handle)
[in] rank of receiving process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
MPI_GATHERV ( sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, recvtype, root, comm ) |
Gathers into specified locations from all processes in a group |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] integer array (of length group size) containing the number of elements that are received from each process (significant only at root)
[in] integer array (of length group size). Entry i specifies the displacement relative to recvbuf at which to place the incoming data from process i (significant only at root)
[in] data type of recv buffer elements (significant only at root) (handle)
[in] rank of receiving process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
MPI_SCATTER ( sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm ) |
Sends data from one process to all other processes in a communicato |
[in] address of send buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] number of elements sent to each process (integer, significant only at root)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (significant only at root) (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in receive buffer (integer)
[in] data type of receive buffer elements (handle)
[in] rank of sending process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
MPI_SCATTERV ( sendbuf, sendcounts, displs, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm ) |
Scatters a buffer in parts to all processes in a communicator |
[in] address of send buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] integer array (of length group size) specifying the number of elements to send to each processor
[in] integer array (of length group size). Entry i specifies the displacement (relative to sendbuf from which to take the outgoing data to process i
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in receive buffer (integer)
[in] data type of receive buffer elements (handle)
[in] rank of sending process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
MPI_TYPE_CREATE_STRUCT ( count, array_of_blocklengths, array_of_displacements, array_of_types,
) |
Create an MPI datatype from a general set of datatypes, displacements, and block sizes |
[in] number of blocks (integer) — also number of entries in arrays array_of_types, array_of_displacements and array_of_blocklengths
[in] number of elements in each block (array of integer)
[in] byte displacement of each block (array of integer)
[in] type of elements in each block (array of handles to datatype objects)
[out] new datatype (handle) |
MPI_GET_ADDRESS(location,address) | Get the address of a location in memory |
[in] location in caller memory (choice)
[out] address of location (address) |
MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(datatype) | Commits the datatype |
[in] datatype (handle) |
MPI_TYPE_FREE(datatype) | Frees the datatype |
[in] datatype that is freed (handle) |
1.5 MPI程序示例
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int rank, size, i;
int buffer[10];
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
if (size < 2)
printf("Please run with two processes.\n"); fflush(stdout);
return 0;
if (rank == 0)
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
buffer[i] = i;
MPI_Send(buffer, 10, MPI_INT, 1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (rank == 1)
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
buffer[i] = -1;
MPI_Recv(buffer, 10, MPI_INT, 0, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (buffer[i] != i)
printf("Error: buffer[%d] = %d but is expected to be %d\n", i, buffer[i], i);
return 0;
2.1 类型图
2.2 伪数据类型
2.3 相关API
参数 |
说明 |
MPI_Type_commit |
Commits the datatype |
MPI_Type_free |
Frees the datatype |
MPI_Type_contiguous |
[in] replication count (nonnegative integer)
[in] old datatype (handle)
[out] new datatype (handle) |
Creates a contiguous datatype |
MPI_Type_vector |
[in] number of blocks (nonnegative integer)
[in] number of elements in each block (nonnegative integer)
[in] number of elements between start of each block (integer)
[in] old datatype (handle)
[out] new datatype (handle) |
Creates a vector (strided) datatype |
MPI_Type_create_hvector |
[in] number of blocks (nonnegative integer)
[in] number of elements in each block (nonnegative integer)
[in] number of bytes between start of each block (integer)
[in] old datatype (handle)
[out] new datatype (handle) |
Create a datatype with a constant stride given in bytes |
MPI_Type_indexed |
[in] number of blocks — also number of entries in indices and blocklens
[in] number of elements in each block (array of nonnegative integers)
[in] displacement of each block in multiples of old_type (array of integers)
[in] old datatype (handle)
[out] new datatype (handle) |
Creates an indexed datatype |
MPI_Type_create_hindexed |
[in] number of blocks — also number of entries in displacements and blocklengths (integer)
[in] number of elements in each block (array of nonnegative integers)
[in] byte displacement of each block (array of integer)
[in] old datatype (handle)
[out] new datatype (handle) |
Create a datatype for an indexed datatype with displacements in bytes |
MPI_Type_create_struct |
Create an MPI datatype from a general set of datatypes, displacements, and block sizes |
MPI_Type_extent |
[in] datatype (handle)
[out] datatype extent (integer) |
Returns the extent of a datatype |
MPI_Type_size |
[in] datatype (handle)
[out] datatype size (integer) |
Return the number of bytes occupied by entries in the datatype |
MPI_Type_create_resized |
[in] input datatype (handle)
[in] new lower bound of datatype (integer)
[in] new extent of datatype (integer)
[out] output datatype (handle) |
Create a datatype with a new lower bound and extent from an existing datatype |
MPI_Type_lb |
[in] datatype (handle)
[out] displacement of lower bound from origin, in bytes (integer) |
Returns the lower-bound of a datatype |
MPI_Type_ub |
[in] datatype (handle)
[out] displacement of upper bound from origin, in bytes (integer) |
Returns the upper bound of a datatype |
在MPI中,点对点通信(Point-to-Point Communication)指的是一对进程之间的通信,一个进程发送消息,另一个进程接收消息。点对点通信是MPI通信的基础。

Ref. from
: A Message-Passing Interface Standard
Sending and receiving of
by processes is the basic MPI communication mechanism. The basic point-to-point communication operations are
: A Message-Passing Interface Standard =============================
3.1 MPI消息

Ref. from
: A Message-Passing Interface Standard
The data part of the message consists of a sequence of
values, each of the type indicated by
may be zero, in which case the data part of the message is empty.
In addition to the data part, messages carry information that can be used to distinguish messages and selectively receive them. This information consists of a fixed number of fields, which we collectively call the message envelope. These fields are source, destination, tag and communicator.
The message source is implicitly determined by the identity of the message sender. The other fields are specified by arguments in the send procedure.
The message destination is specified by the dest argument.
The integer-valued message tag is specified by the tag argument. This integer can be used by the program to distinguish different types of messages.
A communicator specifies the communication context for a communication operation. Each communication context provides a separate “communication universe”: messages are always received within the context they were sent, and messages sent in different contexts do not interfere. The communicator also specifies the set of processes that share this communication context. This process group is ordered and processes are identified by their rank within this group.
Ref. from
: A Message-Passing Interface Standard =============================
3.2 通信模式
在MPI中,通信模式(Communication Modes)包含
(standard mode)、
通信模式 | 发送 | 接收 |
标准通信模式 | MPI_SEND | MPI_RECV |
缓存通信模式 | MPI_BSEND | |
同步通信模式 | MPI_SSEND | |
就绪通信模式 | MPI_RSEND |
3.3 相关API
接口 | 参数 | 描述 |
MPI_Send |
[in] initial address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (nonnegative integer)
[in] datatype of each send buffer element (handle)
[in] rank of destination (integer)
[in] message tag (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Performs a blocking send |
MPI_Recv |
[out] initial address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] maximum number of elements in receive buffer (integer)
[in] datatype of each receive buffer element (handle)
[in] rank of source (integer)
[in] message tag (integer)
[in] communicator (handle)
[out] status object (Status) |
Blocking receive for a message |
MPI_Sendrecv |
[in] initial address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] type of elements in send buffer (handle)
[in] rank of destination (integer)
[in] send tag (integer)
[out] initial address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in receive buffer (integer)
[in] type of elements in receive buffer (handle)
[in] rank of source (integer)
[in] receive tag (integer)
[in] communicator (handle)
[out] status object (Status). This refers to the receive operation. |
Sends and receives a message |
MPI_Bsend |
[in] initial address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (nonnegative integer)
[in] datatype of each send buffer element (handle)
[in] rank of destination (integer)
[in] message tag (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Basic send with user-provided buffering |
MPI_Ssend |
[in] initial address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (nonnegative integer)
[in] datatype of each send buffer element (handle)
[in] rank of destination (integer)
[in] message tag (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Blocking synchronous send |
MPI_Rsend |
[in] initial address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (nonnegative integer)
[in] datatype of each send buffer element (handle)
[in] rank of destination (integer)
[in] message tag (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Blocking ready send |
MPI_Buffer_attach |
[in] initial buffer address (choice)
[in] buffer size, in bytes (integer) |
Attaches a user-provided buffer for sending |
MPI_Buffer_detach |
[out] initial buffer address (choice)
[out] buffer size, in bytes (integer) |
Removes an existing buffer (for use in This operation will block until all messages currently in the buffer have been transmitted. Upon return of this function, the user may reuse or deallocate the space taken by the buffer. |
组通信(Collective Communication, 又称集合通信)需要一个一组进程内的所有进程同时参加通信,组内各个不同进程的调用形式完全相同。
Ref. from
: A Message-Passing Interface Standard
Collective communication is defined as communication that involves a group or groups of processes.
One of the key arguments in a call to a collective routine is a communicator that
defines the group or groups of participating processes and provides a context for the operation.
: A Message-Passing Interface Standard =============================
4.1 功能概述
- 通信
One of the key arguments in a call to a collective routine is a communicator that defines the group or groups of participating processes and provides a context for the operation
Several collective routines such as broadcast and gather have a single originating or receiving process. Such a process is called the root.
Some arguments in the collective functions are specified as “significant only at root,” and are ignored for all participants except the root.
Collective communication calls may use the same communicators as point-to-point communication;
MPI guarantees that messages generated on behalf of collective communication calls will not be confused with messages generated by point-to-point communication.
The collective operations do not have a message tag argument.
- 同步
Collective operations can (but are not required to) complete as soon as the caller’s participation in the collective communication is finished. A blocking operation is complete as soon as the call returns. A nonblocking (immediate) call requires a separate completion call.
The completion of a collective operation indicates that the caller is free to modify locations in the communication buffer. It does not indicate that other processes in the group have completed or even started the operation (unless otherwise implied by the description of the operation). Thus,
a collective communication operation may, or may not, have the effect of synchronizing all participating MPI processes.
It is dangerous to rely on synchronization side-effects of the collective operations for program correctness.
For example, even though a particular implementation may provide a broadcast routine with a side-effect of synchronization, the standard does not require this, and a program that relies on this will not be portable
. On the other hand, a correct, portable program must allow for the fact that a collective call may be synchronizing. Though one cannot rely on any synchronization side-effect, one must program so as to allow it.
- 计算
operations such as sum, max, min, or user-defined functions, where the result is returned to all members of a groupand a variation where the result is returned to only one member.
4.2 常用API
接口 |
参数 |
说明 |
MPI_Barrier |
[in] communicator (handle) |
Blocks until all processes in the communicator have reached this routine. |
MPI_Bcast |
[in/out] starting address of buffer (choice)
[in] number of entries in buffer (integer)
[in] data type of buffer (handle)
[in] rank of broadcast root (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Broadcasts a message from the process with rank “root” to all other processes of the communicator |
MPI_Scatter |
[in] address of send buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] number of elements sent to each process (integer, significant only at root)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (significant only at root) (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in receive buffer (integer)
[in] data type of receive buffer elements (handle)
[in] rank of sending process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Sends data from one process to all other processes in a communicator |
MPI_Scatterv |
[in] address of send buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] integer array (of length group size) specifying the number of elements to send to each processor
[in] integer array (of length group size). Entry i specifies the displacement (relative to sendbuf from which to take the outgoing data to process i
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in receive buffer (integer)
[in] data type of receive buffer elements (handle)
[in] rank of sending process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Scatters a buffer in parts to all processes in a communicator |
MPI_Gather |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] number of elements for any single receive (integer, significant only at root)
[in] data type of recv buffer elements (significant only at root) (handle)
[in] rank of receiving process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Gathers together values from a group of processes |
MPI_Gatherv |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] integer array (of length group size) containing the number of elements that are received from each process (significant only at root)
[in] integer array (of length group size). Entry i specifies the displacement relative to recvbuf at which to place the incoming data from process i (significant only at root)
[in] data type of recv buffer elements (significant only at root) (handle)
[in] rank of receiving process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Gathers into specified locations from all processes in a group |
MPI_Allgather |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements received from any process (integer)
[in] data type of receive buffer elements (handle)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Gathers data from all tasks and distribute the combined data to all tasks |
MPI_Allgatherv |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] integer array (of length group size) containing the number of elements that are received from each process
[in] integer array (of length group size). Entry i specifies the displacement (relative to recvbuf ) at which to place the incoming data from process i
[in] data type of receive buffer elements (handle)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Gathers data from all tasks and deliver the combined data to all tasks |
MPI_Alltoall |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements to send to each process (integer)
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements received from any process (integer)
[in] data type of receive buffer elements (handle)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Sends data from all to all processes |
MPI_Alltoallv |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[in] integer array equal to the group size specifying the number of elements to send to each processor
[in] integer array (of length group size). Entry j specifies the displacement (relative to sendbuf from which to take the outgoing data destined for process j
[in] data type of send buffer elements (handle)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] integer array equal to the group size specifying the maximum number of elements that can be received from each processor
[in] integer array (of length group size). Entry i specifies the displacement (relative to recvbuf at which to place the incoming data from process i
[in] data type of receive buffer elements (handle)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Sends data from all to all processes; each process may send a different amount of data and provide displacements for the input and output data. |
MPI_Reduce |
[in] address of send buffer (choice)
[out] address of receive buffer (choice, significant only at root)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] data type of elements of send buffer (handle)
[in] reduce operation (handle)
[in] rank of root process (integer)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Reduces values on all processes to a single value |
MPI_Allreduce |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[out] starting address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in send buffer (integer)
[in] data type of elements of send buffer (handle)
[in] operation (handle)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes |
MPI_Scan |
[in] starting address of send buffer (choice)
[out] starting address of receive buffer (choice)
[in] number of elements in input buffer (integer)
[in] data type of elements of input buffer (handle)
[in] operation (handle)
[in] communicator (handle) |
Computes the scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes |
4.3 程序示例:计算圆周率

// pi.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <iostream>
#include <mpi.h>
const double PI = 4.0 * atan(1.0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
::MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int size;
::MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int rank;
::MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int N = 100;
// the lb and up for local integral
int nx_begin = (rank + 0) * (int)std::ceil(1.0 * N / size);
int nx_end = (rank + 1) * (int)std::ceil(1.0 * N / size);
if (rank == 0)
std::cout << "nx_begin = " << nx_begin << ", nx_end = " << nx_end << std::endl;
double dx = 1.0 / N;
double sum = 0.0;
// numerical integral for process 'rank'
for (int i = nx_begin; i < nx_end; ++i)
if (i < N)
double x = dx * (i + 0.5);
sum = sum + 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
sum = sum / N;
// sum all integrals
double pi = 0.0;
::MPI_Reduce(&sum, &pi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//::MPI_Allreduce(&sum, &pi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// output the result and error
if (rank == 0 || rank == 1)
std::cout << "Process " << rank << ", pi estamated is " << pi << ", error " << fabs(pi - PI) / PI << std::endl;
5.1 通信域
5.2 进程组
5.3 常用API
接口 |
参数 |
说明 |
MPI_Comm_size |
[in] communicator (handle)
[out] number of processes in the group of comm (integer) |
Determines the size of the group associated with a communicator |
MPI_Comm_rank |
[in] communicator (handle)
[out] rank of the calling process in the group of comm (integer) |
Determines the rank of the calling process in the communicator |
MPI_Comm_create |
[in] communicator (handle)
[in] group, which is a subset of the group of comm (handle)
[out] new communicator (handle) |
Creates a new communicator |
MPI_Comm_split |
[in] communicator (handle)
[in] control of subset assignment (nonnegative integer). Processes with the same color are in the same new communicator
[in] control of rank assigment (integer)
[out] new communicator (handle) |
Creates new communicators based on colors and keys |
MPI_Comm_free |
[in] Communicator to be destroyed (handle) |
Marks the communicator object for deallocation |
MPI_Comm_group |
[in] Communicator (handle)
[out] Group in communicator (handle) |
Accesses the group associated with given communicator |
MPI_Group_size |
[in] group (handle) Output Parameter:
[out] number of processes in the group (integer) |
Returns the size of a group |
MPI_Group_rank |
[in] group (handle)
[out] rank of the calling process in group, or MPI_UNDEFINED if the process is not a member (integer) |
Returns the rank of this process in the given group |
MPI_Group_incl |
[in] group (handle)
[in] number of elements in array ranks (and size of newgroup ) (integer)
[in] ranks of processes in group to appear in newgroup (array of integers)
[out] new group derived from above, in the order defined by ranks (handle) |
Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only listed members |
MPI_Group_excl |
[in] group (handle)
[in] number of elements in array ranks (integer)
[in] array of integer ranks in group not to appear in newgroup
[out] new group derived from above, preserving the order defined by group (handle) |
Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only unlisted members |
MPI_Group_free |
[in] group to free (handle) |
Frees a group |
在MPI中,非阻塞通信(Nonblocking Communication)调用不等到通信操作完成便可以返回,在这过程中,处理器可以同时进行其他操作,从而实现
====================Ref. from 都志辉 <高性能计算并行编程激素-MPI并行程序设计>
Ref. from 都志辉 <高性能计算并行编程激素-MPI并行程序设计>====================
6.1 非阻塞通信API
通信模式 | 发送 | 接收 | |
标准通信模式 | MPI_ISEND | MPI_IRECV | |
缓存通信模式 | MPI_IBSEND | ||
同步通信模式 | MPI_ISSEND | ||
就绪通信模式 | MPI_IRSEND | ||
重复非阻塞通信 | 标准通信模式 | MPI_SEND_INIT | MPI_RECV_INT |
缓存通信模式 | MPI_BSEND_INIT | ||
同步通信模式 | MPI_SSEND_INIT | ||
就绪通信模式 | MPI_RSEND_INIT |
6.2 非阻塞通信对象
接口 | 参数 | 说明 |
[in] request (handle)
[out] status object (Status). May be MPI_STATUS_IGNORE. |
Waits for an MPI request to complete |
[in] list length (integer)
[in/out] array of requests (array of handles)
[out] index of handle for operation that completed (integer). In the range 0 to count-1. In Fortran, the range is 1 to count.
[out] status object (Status). May be MPI_STATUS_IGNORE. |
Waits for any specified MPI Request to complete |
[in] list length (integer)
[in] array of request handles (array of handles)
[out] array of status objects (array of Statuses). May be MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE. |
Waits for all given MPI Requests to complete |
[in] length of array_of_requests (integer)
[in] array of requests (array of handles)
[out] number of completed requests (integer)
[out] array of indices of operations that completed (array of integers)
[out] array of status objects for operations that completed (array of Status). May be MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE. |
Waits for some given MPI Requests to complete |
[in] MPI request (handle)
[out] true if operation completed (logical)
[out] status object (Status). May be MPI_STATUS_IGNORE. |
Tests for the completion of a request |
[in] list length (integer)
[in] array of requests (array of handles)
[out] index of operation that completed, or MPI_UNDEFINED if none completed (integer)
[out] true if one of the operations is complete (logical)
[out] status object (Status). May be MPI_STATUS_IGNORE. |
Tests for completion of any previdously initiated requests |
[in] lists length (integer)
[in] array of requests (array of handles)
[out] True if all requests have completed; false otherwise (logical)
[out] array of status objects (array of Status). May be MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE. |
Tests for the completion of all previously initiated requests |
[in] length of array_of_requests (integer)
[in] array of requests (array of handles)
[out] number of completed requests (integer)
[out] array of indices of operations that completed (array of integers)
[out] array of status objects for operations that completed (array of Status). May be MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE.
Tests for some given requests to complete |
进程拓扑(Process Topologies)是 (域内) 通信器的一个附加属性,它描述了一个通信域内各进程间的逻辑联接关系。进程拓扑提供了一种方便的命名机制,辅助映射进程到硬件。
Ref. from
: A Message-Passing Interface Standard
A process group in MPI is a collection of n processes. Each process in the group is assigned a rank between 0 and n-1. In many parallel applications a linear ranking of processes does not adequately reflect the logical communication pattern of the processes (which is usually determined by the underlying problem geometry and the numerical algorithm used). Often the processes are arranged in topological patterns such as two- or three-dimensional grids. More generally, the logical process arrangement is described by a graph. In this chapter we will refer to this logical process arrangement as the “virtual topology.”
A topology is an extra, optional attribute that one can give to an intra-communicator; topologies cannot be added to intercommunicators. A topology can provide a convenient naming mechanism for the processes of a group (within a communicator), and additionally, may assist the runtime system in mapping the processes onto hardware.
MPI supports three topology types:
, and
Ref. from
: A Message-Passing Interface Standard =============================
7.1 笛卡尔拓扑
7.2 图拓扑
The communication pattern of a set of processes can be represented by a graph. The nodes represent processes, and the edges connect processes that communicate with each other.
7.3 相关API
接口 |
参数 |
说明 |
MPI_Cart_create |
[in] input communicator (handle)
[in] number of dimensions of cartesian grid (integer)
[in] integer array of size ndims specifying the number of processes in each dimension
[in] logical array of size ndims specifying whether the grid is periodic (true) or not (false) in each dimension
[in] ranking may be reordered (true) or not (false) (logical)
[out] communicator with new cartesian topology (handle) |
Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached |
MPI_Graph_create |
[in] input communicator without topology (handle)
[in] number of nodes in graph (integer)
[in] array of integers describing node degrees (see below)
[in] array of integers describing graph edges (see below)
[in] ranking may be reordered (true) or not (false) (logical)
[out] communicator with graph topology added (handle) |
Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached |
是 MPI 论坛在 1997 年宣布的 MPI 修改版本。原来的 MPI 被重命名为
8.1 基本概念
串行 I/O
: 读写文件的操作由一个进程完成, 即根结点上的进程 发出 I/O 请求, 将整个文件全部读入, 其他进程需要的数据区域则以消息传递方式从根节点获得; 写文件也同样, 当某进程 的数据区域处理完毕, 需要写回磁盘时, 首先该进程以消息传 递方式发送给主结点, 由主结点对该数据区域进行写。
并行 I/O
: 各进程各自独立地发出 I/O 请求, 以得到相应的数据区域, 即不需要转发的操作,多个处理器可同时对共享文件或不同文件进行 I/O 访问。
阻塞 I/O
: 启动一个I/O操作后,直到 I/O请求完成才返回。
非阻塞 I/O
: 启动一个I/O操作后, 并不等待 I/O 请求完成。
:一个文件的起始位置指相对于文件开头以字节为单位的一个绝对地址, 它用来定义一个“文件视窗”的起始位置。
A fifile displacement is an absolute byte position relative to the beginning of a fifile. The displacement defifines the location where a view begins. Note that a “fifile displacement” is distinct from a “typemap displacement.”
基本类型(elementary datatype)
:定义一个文件最小访问单元的 MPI 数据类型, 基本类型可以是任何预定义或用户构造的并已经递交的 MPI 数据类型。
An etype (elementary datatype) is the unit of data access and positioning. It can be any MPI predefifined or derived datatype. Derived etypes can be constructed using any of the MPI datatype constructor routines, provided all resulting typemap displace
ments are non-negative and monotonically nondecreasing. Data access is performed in etype units, reading or writing whole data items of type etype.
Offffsets are expressed as a count of etypes; fifile pointers point to the beginning of etypes. Depending on context, the term “etype” is used to describe one of three aspects of an elementary datatype: a particular MPI type, a data item of that type, or the extent of that type.
:定义了文件中需要访问的数据分布,文件类型可以等于基本单元类型, 也可以是在基本单元类型基础上构造并已递交的任意 MPI 数据类型。
A filetype is the basis for partitioning a fifile among processes and defifines a template for accessing the fifile. A fifiletype is either a single etype or a derived MPI datatype constructed from multiple instances of the same etype. In addition, the extent of any hole in the fifiletype must be a multiple of the etype’s extent. The displacements in the typemap of the fifiletype are not required to be distinct, but they must be non-negative and monotonically nondecreasing.
一个文件中目前可以访问的数据集.,文件视口可以看作一个三元组<起始位置, 基本单元类型, 文件单元类型>。
defifines the current set of data visible and accessible from an open fifile as an ordered set of etypes. Each process has its own view of the fifile, defifined by three quantities: a displacement, an etype, and a fifiletype. The pattern described by a fifiletype is repeated, beginning at the displacement, to defifine the view. The pattern of repetition is defifined to be the same pattern that
MPI_TYPE_CONTIGUOUS would produce if it were passed the fifiletype and an
arbitrarily large count
Views can be changed by the user during program execution. The default view is a linear byte stream (displacement is zero, etype and fifiletype equal to MPI_BYTE).
8.2 MPI-2 并行I/O
等技术,实现了大量进程对数据文件的并发访问。具体来说,MPI-2 并行I/O对
Ref. from Walfredo Cirne ======================================================
The most effective approach to ameliorate this problem is parallel I/O. The basic idea is quite simple: If one disk cannot keep the pace of the processor, why not scatter I/O requests on many disks and have them process the requests in parallel?
Three orthogonal aspects characterize the file access operations:
, and
determines which part of the file is read from (or written to) disk and can be
explicitly specified
on the MPI call, or it can implicitly use the file pointer. In the latter case, there are still two alternatives: each process has its own
individual file pointer
but a unique (per file)
shared pointer
is also available. The effect of multiple calls to shared file pointer routines is defined to behave as if the calls were serialized.
defines whether the requested operation is guaranteed to be finished after the call returns.
settles whether the request is an individual or a collective operation.
====================================================== Ref. from Walfredo Cirne
MPI-2 并行IO相关的API比较多,按照
MPI 聚合IO通过将不同进程的请求合并,合并后可以对重新对文件进行连续规则的访问,这样可以大大提高IO性能。
Positioning |
Synchronism |
Coordination |
Individual |
Collective |
explicit offsets |
blocking |
nonblocking |
individual file pointers |
blocking |
nonblocking |
shared file pointers |
blocking |
nonblocking |
10.1 Jacobi迭代
10.2 程序实现
// jacobi.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <mpi.h>
struct Matrix
Matrix(int m, int n)
: nRows(m)
, nCols(n)
data = (double*)malloc(nRows * nCols * sizeof(double));
if (data) free(data);
double operator()(const int i, const int j) const
//check(i, j);
return data[nCols * i + j];
double& operator()(const int i, const int j)
//check(i, j);
return data[nCols * i + j];
void check(const int i, const int j)
assert(i < nRows && j < nCols);
void print(const char* desc)
std::cout << std::endl << "=====================================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << desc << std::endl;;
std::cout << "data = " << std::endl;
std::cout << "[" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j)
std::cout << "\t" << data[i * nCols + j];
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "]" << std::endl << std::endl;
double* data;
int nRows, nCols;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
::MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int size;
::MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int myid;
::MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
int n = 3;
Matrix A(n, n), b(n, 1), x(n, 1);
if (myid == 0)
// Matrix A
A(0, 0) = 1.0; A(0, 1) = 2.0; A(0, 2) = -2.0;
A(1, 0) = 1.0; A(1, 1) = 1.0; A(1, 2) = 1.0;
A(2, 0) = 2.0; A(2, 1) = 2.0; A(2, 2) = 1.0;
// R.H.S
b(0, 0) = 1.0;
b(1, 0) = 1.0;
b(2, 0) = 2.0;
// Solution
x(0, 0) = 0.0;
x(1, 0) = 0.0;
x(2, 0) = 0.0;
::MPI_Bcast(A.data, A.nRows * A.nCols, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
::MPI_Bcast(b.data, b.nRows * b.nCols, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
::MPI_Bcast(x.data, x.nRows * x.nCols, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//if (myid == 1)
// A.print("Process 1 prints matrix A");
// b.print("Process 1 prints matrix b");
int row_begin = myid * ( n / size + 1);
int row_end = (myid + 1) * (n / size + 1);
double err = FLT_MAX;
int iter = 0;
//std::cout << "Process " << myid << ": row_being = " << row_begin << ", row_end = " << row_end << std::endl;
// compute new x^{k+1} using Jacobi method
for (int i = row_begin; i < row_end; ++i)
if (i >= n)
x(i, 0) = b(i, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
x(i, 0) = x(i, 0) - A(i, j) * x(j, 0);
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
x(i, 0) = x(i, 0) - A(i, j) * x(j, 0);
x(i, 0) = x(i, 0) / A(i, i);
Matrix x_new(3, 1);
// Gather the new x^{k+1}
::MPI_Gather(x.data + row_begin, row_end - row_begin, MPI_DOUBLE, x_new.data, row_end - row_begin, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Update the x^{k} <- x^{k+1}
::MPI_Bcast(x_new.data, x.nRows * x.nCols, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
::memcpy(x.data, x_new.data, n * sizeof(double));
while (++iter < 10);
if (myid == 0)
x.print("The solution x is ");
. 分析下界标记类型MPI_TYPE_LB、上界标记类型MPI_TYPE_UB的用途。
. 试阐述MPI-2 并行I/O的实现原理。
. 按照文件读写定位方式,MPI-2 并行I/O API可以分为explicit offset、individual file pointer、shared file pointer等三类,请分析三类并行I/O的适用场景。
. MPI-2中
A.1 下载与安装
Microsoft MPI
安装包 | 默认安装路径 |
msmpisetup.exe | C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI |
msmpisetup.exe | C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\MPI |
A.2 环境配置
Visual Studio 2019中新建C++控制台项目,然后修改以下项目属性
A.3 测试
#include <iostream>
#include "mpi.h"
int main(const int argc,char **argv)
::MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int myid;
::MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
std::cout << "Hello World form " << myid << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
return 0;
Peter Pacheco. An Introduction to Parallel Programming. Elsevier, 2011.
张林波. MPI并行编程讲稿. 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院, 2006.
都志辉. 高性能计算并行编程技术-MPI并行程序设计. 清华大学出版社, 2001.
张武生. MPI并行程序设计实例教程. 清华大学出版社, 2009.
Walfredo Cirne. On Interfaces to Parallel I/O Subsystems.
徐树方. 数值线性代数. 北京大学出版社, 2013.
Github MPICH
MPI系列: 并行IO性能优化究竟是怎么玩的呢?