Go Language
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Print("hello world\n")
// types declare
var k int // zero - default
var i int = 10 // explicit
const hello = "Hello" //
b := true // short -- if has already exist, it is just a assign
fmt.Println(k, i, hello, b)
const a = 5
c := 5
fmt.Printf("%v\n", a*math.Pi)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", float64((c))*math.Pi)
// for loop .
for n := 0; n < 5; n++ {
if n%2 == 0 {
fmt.Print("Even ")
} else {
fmt.Print("Odd ")
//while loop . .
n := 0
for n < 5 {
//-----data structure---
var e [5]int
for _, v := range e {
fmt.Println("%d\n", v)
m := make(map[string]int)
m["k1"] = 7
m["k2"] = 8
delete(m, "k2")
val, ok := m["k2"]
fmt.Println("1. val:", val, "| ok:", ok)
q := map[string]int{"foo": 1, "bar": 2}
fmt.Println("2.map: ", q)
//slices - dynamic length
s := make([]string, 2) //zero default
s[0] = "a"
s[1] = "b"
s = append(s, "c", "d", "e")
fmt.Println("1.len:", len(s), "| cap:", cap(s), "| s:", s)
//capacity vs len, mostly not use cap
t := s[2:4] //from 2 to 3
fmt.Println("1.len:", len(t), "| cap:", cap(t), "| t:", t)
p := make([]string, len(s))
copy(p, s)
fmt.Println("plus:", plus(3, 4))
//defer: run ASAP after return
//---struct interface---
Structs are typed collection of fields
Interfaces are a collection of method signatures
r := rect{3, 4}
x := box{r, "red"}
fmt.Println(x.color, " ", x.showcolor())
// Structs are typed collection of fields
type rect struct {
width, height float64
// Interfaces are a collection of method signatures
type geometry interface {
area() float64
perim() float64
// implement
func (r rect) area() float64 {
return r.width * r.height
func (r rect) perim() float64 {
return 2*r.width + 2*r.height
// print
func measure(g geometry) {
// interfaces are composable
type object interface {
showcolor() string
// structs are composable
type box struct {
color string
func (b box) showcolor() string {
return b.color
// func process(r rect)
func plus(a /*int*/, b int) int {
return a + b
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