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Fraction a;

Fraction b(a);

Fraction c = Fraction(3, 2);

Fraction d1(2, 3), d2(4, 5);

Fraction e1 = divide1(d1, d2);

Fraction e2 = divide2(d1, d2);

在上述类的定义基础上,完善下列操作: 1) 显示定义析构函数; 2) 获取分数的分子;

3) 获取分数的分母; 4) 实现分数的约分; 5) 实现对两个分数对象进行通分; 6) 使用 operator/操作符重载实现两个分数的除法运算


using namespace std;

class Fraction {
private:                                //数据成员,访问控制属性默认是私有
	int m_numerator = 0;            // 分子默认为0; C++11
	int m_denominator = 1;      //分母默认为1;
	int gcd(int x, int y);
public:                         //公有成员函数
	int getnumerator()const{ return m_numerator; }
	int getdenominator()const { return m_denominator; }
	Fraction(int above = 0, int below = 1) :
		m_numerator(above), m_denominator(below) {
		cout << "Constructor called" << endl;
	Fraction(const Fraction& rhs) : m_numerator(rhs.m_numerator), 
		m_denominator(rhs.m_denominator) {
		cout << "Copy constructor called" << endl;
	void makeCommon(Fraction& a, Fraction& b);
	void  reduce() {
		int n = gcd(m_numerator, m_denominator);        //求最大公约数
		m_denominator /= n; m_numerator /= n;
	~Fraction() { 
		cout << "Destructor of Fraction" << endl; 
int Fraction::gcd(int x, int y) {        //gcd的函数定义,用辗转相除法求两个整数的最大公约数
	if (y != 0) gcd(y, x % y);
	else return x;
Fraction divide1(const Fraction& divident, const Fraction& divisor) {        //实现两个分数相除
	return Fraction(divident.getnumerator() * divisor.getdenominator(), 
		divident.getdenominator() * divisor.getnumerator());
Fraction divide2(Fraction divident, Fraction divisor) {         //两个分数相除
	Fraction result(divident.getnumerator() * divisor.getdenominator(), 
		divident.getdenominator() * divisor.getnumerator());
	return result;
void Fraction::makeCommon(Fraction& a, Fraction& b) {     //实现通分
	a.m_numerator *= b.m_denominator;
	b.m_numerator *= a.m_denominator;
	b.m_denominator = a.m_denominator *= b.m_denominator;
Fraction operator/(const Fraction& left, const Fraction& right) {      //实现分数的除法运算
	Fraction result(left.getnumerator() * right.getdenominator(), 
		left.getdenominator() * right.getnumerator());
	return result;
int main() {
	Fraction a;    //默认构造值
	Fraction b(a);   //复制a的值
	Fraction c = Fraction(3, 2);     //构建一个值(3,2)
	Fraction d1(2, 3), d2(4, 5);
	Fraction e1 = divide1(d1, d2);
	Fraction e2 = divide2(d1, d2);
	return 0;

Constructor called

Copy constructor called

Constructor called

Constructor called

Constructor called

Constructor called

Copy constructor called

Copy constructor called

Constructor called

Copy constructor called

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction

Destructor of Fraction



已知:int a[5] = { 19,67,24,11,17 }, b[5] = { 2,3,9,17,59 };



排序。要求依次实现: 1) 编写顺序查找法函数和折半查找法函数,分别在数组a和数组b中查找元素17所在的下标

并输出。 2) 编写判断素数函数和排序函数,并对容器c中的结果进行输出。

using namespace std;
int a[5] = { 19,67,24,11,17 }, b[5] = { 2,3,9,17,59 };

int funa(int i) {                    
	for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
		if (a[j] == i) {
			return j;
			cout << endl;
int halfb(int i) {
	int h = size(b);
	int left = 0, right = h - 1;
	while (left <= right) {
		int middle = (left + right) / 2;        //开始折半
		if (b[middle] == i)return middle;
		else if (b[middle] > i)right = middle - 1;      //改变折半的范围
		else left = middle + 1;
	return -1;            //查找失败返回-1

int sushu(int j) {
	int k = sqrt(j);
	for (int i = 2; i <= k; i++) {
			if (j % i == 0)break;
			else {
				if (i == k)return j;
	if (k <= 2)return j;          //考虑到数组元素中的2,3
void swap(int& x, int& y) {       //引用传递
	if (x == y)return;
	int z(x);
	x = y;
	y = z;

int main() {
	int s;
	cout<< "请输入要查找的数=";
	cin >> s;
	cout <<'\n'<<"a数组中要查找的下标为"<< funa(s) << endl;
	cout <<"b数组中要查找的下标为"<< halfb(s) << endl;
	vector<int> vi;
	for (auto i : a) {                        //阅览a数组中的元素,找到素数后,将其添加入容器中
		if (sushu(i) == i)vi.push_back(i);
	for (auto i : b) {                       // 阅览b数组中的元素,找到素数后,将其添加入容器中
		if (sushu(i) == i)vi.push_back(i);
	for (int i = vi.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {         //采用冒泡排序法
		for (int j = 0; j <= i - 1; ++j) {
			if (vi.at(j) > vi.at(j + 1))
			swap(vi.at(j), vi.at(j + 1));          //注:此处不能写swap(j,j+1),参数列表不对,同时编译器会报错
	for (auto it = vi.begin(); it != vi.end(); ++it) {    //此处运用迭代来阅览容器中的元素,注意此处要用!=
		cout << *it << endl;

	return 0;



  1. 说明上述程序执行流程和输出结果; 2) 在Point类中完善获取点的横坐标、获取点的纵坐标成员函数,并在主函数中测试; 3) 通过友元函数实现平面上任意两个点的距离计算辅助函数; 4) 在Circle类中完善圆的面积计算与圆的周长计算成员函数,并在主函数中测试;
using namespace std;
class Point {
	double m_x = 0, m_y = 0;
	Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) : m_x(x), m_y(y) {
		cout << "Constructor of Point" << endl;
	Point(const Point& p) :m_x(p.m_x), m_y(p.m_y) {
		cout << "Copy constructor of Point" << endl;
	int getm_x() const{ return m_x; }          //获取横坐标
	int getm_y() const{ return m_y; }          //获取纵坐标
	double juli(double x, double y);
	~Point() {
		cout << "Destructor of Point" << endl;
double Point::juli(double x, double y){           //计算距离函数
	double t = sqrt((x - m_x) * (x - m_x) + (y - m_y) * (y - m_y));
	return t;
class Circle {
	Point m_center; double m_radius = 1.0;
	Circle(double r = 1, const Point& p = Point()) :m_center(p), m_radius(r) {
		cout << "Constructor of Circle" << endl;
	double mianji() {                             //计算面积函数
		double i = 3.14 * m_radius * m_radius;
		return i; } 
	double zhouchang() {                            //计算周长函数
		double j = 3.14 * 2 * m_radius;
		return j; }
	~Circle() {
		cout << "Destructor of Circle" << endl;

int main()
	Circle a(2, Point(1, 1));
	cout << Point(1,1).getm_x()<<'\t'<< Point(1, 1).getm_y() << endl;
	cout << a.mianji() << '\t' << a.zhouchang() << endl;
	cout << "end" << endl;
	double x, y;
	cin >> x >> y;
	cout <<'\t'<< Point(1,1).juli(x,y)<<endl;      //计算两点距离,point中的点可以改变,此处以(1,1)为例
	return 0;



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