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为了确定一个数是否是素数,有一个筛子和素数检验。# for large numbers, xrange will throw an error.

# OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long

# to get over this:

def mrange(start, stop, step):

while start < stop:

yield start

start += step

# benchmarked on an old single-core system with 2GB RAM.

from math import sqrt

def is_prime(num):

if num == 2:

return True

if (num < 2) or (num % 2 == 0):

return False

return all(num % i for i in mrange(3, int(sqrt(num)) + 1, 2))

# benchmark is_prime(100**10-1) using mrange

# 10000 calls, 53191 per second.

# 60006 function calls in 0.190 seconds.

这似乎是最快的。有另一个版本使用not any,您可以看到def is_prime(num)

# …

return not any(num % i == 0 for i in mrange(3, int(sqrt(num)) + 1, 2))

然而,在基准测试中,我在测试100**10-1是否是素数时,得到了70006 functio