🐱🏍 【晚安独角兽】:hello你好我是独角兽,很高兴你能来阅读,昵称是希望自己能不断精进,向着优秀程序员前行!
🎉 博客来源于项目以及编程中遇到的问题总结,偶尔会有读书分享,我会陆续更新Java前端、后台、数据库、项目案例等相关知识点总结,感谢你的阅读和关注,希望我的博客能帮助到更多的人,分享获取新知,大家一起进步!
🌹 吾等采石之人,应怀大教堂之心,愿我们奔赴在各自的热爱里…
(function () { const _face = new THREE.Triangle(); const _color = new THREE.Vector3(); class MeshSurfaceSampler { constructor(mesh) { let geometry = mesh.geometry; if (!geometry.isBufferGeometry || geometry.attributes.position.itemSize !== 3) { throw new Error('THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler: Requires BufferGeometry triangle mesh.'); } if (geometry.index) { console.warn('THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler: Converting geometry to non-indexed BufferGeometry.'); geometry = geometry.toNonIndexed(); } this.geometry = geometry; this.randomFunction = Math.random; this.positionAttribute = this.geometry.getAttribute('position'); this.colorAttribute = this.geometry.getAttribute('color'); this.weightAttribute = null; this.distribution = null; } setWeightAttribute(name) { this.weightAttribute = name ? this.geometry.getAttribute(name) : null; return this; } build() { const positionAttribute = this.positionAttribute; const weightAttribute = this.weightAttribute; const faceWeights = new Float32Array(positionAttribute.count / 3); // Accumulate weights for each mesh face. for (let i = 0; i < positionAttribute.count; i += 3) { let faceWeight = 1; if (weightAttribute) { faceWeight = weightAttribute.getX(i) + weightAttribute.getX(i + 1) + weightAttribute.getX(i + 2); } _face.a.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i); _face.b.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i + 1); _face.c.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i + 2); faceWeight *= _face.getArea(); faceWeights[i / 3] = faceWeight; } // Store cumulative total face weights in an array, where weight index // corresponds to face index. this.distribution = new Float32Array(positionAttribute.count / 3); let cumulativeTotal = 0; for (let i = 0; i < faceWeights.length; i++) { cumulativeTotal += faceWeights[i]; this.distribution[i] = cumulativeTotal; } return this; } setRandomGenerator(randomFunction) { this.randomFunction = randomFunction; return this; } sample(targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor) { const cumulativeTotal = this.distribution[this.distribution.length - 1]; const faceIndex = this.binarySearch(this.randomFunction() * cumulativeTotal); return this.sampleFace(faceIndex, targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor); } binarySearch(x) { const dist = this.distribution; let start = 0; let end = dist.length - 1; let index = - 1; while (start <= end) { const mid = Math.ceil((start + end) / 2); if (mid === 0 || dist[mid - 1] <= x && dist[mid] > x) { index = mid; break; } else if (x < dist[mid]) { end = mid - 1; } else { start = mid + 1; } } return index; } sampleFace(faceIndex, targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor) { let u = this.randomFunction(); let v = this.randomFunction(); if (u + v > 1) { u = 1 - u; v = 1 - v; } _face.a.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3); _face.b.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 1); _face.c.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 2); targetPosition.set(0, 0, 0).addScaledVector(_face.a, u).addScaledVector(_face.b, v).addScaledVector(_face.c, 1 - (u + v)); if (targetNormal !== undefined) { _face.getNormal(targetNormal); } if (targetColor !== undefined && this.colorAttribute !== undefined) { _face.a.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3); _face.b.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 1); _face.c.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 2); _color.set(0, 0, 0).addScaledVector(_face.a, u).addScaledVector(_face.b, v).addScaledVector(_face.c, 1 - (u + v)); targetColor.r = _color.x; targetColor.g = _color.y; targetColor.b = _color.z; } return this; } } THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler = MeshSurfaceSampler; })();
开发建议: 尽量基于SpringBoot框架搭建项目,因为潮流,简单,方便,易用!
数据库设计: 参考已有的类似项目设计数据库,深入挖掘自己选题要解决什么问题,即设计什么数据表
项目升级: 前端的话有条件使用vue +element等潮流的前端框架,前后端分离开发; 后台引入中间件 如消息队列+缓存Redis , 微信支付(根据业务定),Jwt单点登录,爬虫,算法等!