1. git的user.name使用了中文
通过git config use.name ‘myname’ 改成英文
2. 没有以管理员身份运行命令行工具
rebar3 new app myapp
===> Uncaught error in rebar_core. Run with DEBUG=1 to see stacktrace or consult rebar3.crashdump
===> Uncaught error: badarg
Error: badarg
后边查询资料,发现没有和我相同问题的,判断应该是我这边配置的问题。加上debug=1后执行,发现中间有很多获取本地git的use.name use.email配置的信息,然后我查看这两个配置,发现user.name是中文,怀疑是编码的问题,修改后果然好了。
debug=1 rebar3 new app myapp
===> Expanded command sequence to be run: [{default,new}]
===> Provider: {default,new}
===> Available templates: [{"app",escript,
===> Available templates: [{"app",escript,
===> sh info:
cwd: "d:/Data/Erlang"
cmd: git config --global user.name
===> opts: [return_on_error]
===> Port Cmd: cmd /q /c git config --global user.name
Port Opts: [exit_status,
===> Executing template file "app.erl"
===> File "myapp/src/myapp_app.erl" already exists
===> Executing template file "sup.erl"
===> File "myapp/src/myapp_sup.erl" already exists
===> Executing template file "otp_app.app.src"
===> File "myapp/src/myapp.app.src" already exists
===> Executing template file "app_rebar.config"
===> File "myapp/rebar.config" already exists
===> Executing template file "gitignore"
===> File "myapp/.gitignore" already exists
===> Executing template file "LICENSE"
===> Uncaught error in rebar_core. Run with DEBUG=1 to see stacktrace or consult rebar3.crashdump
===> Uncaught error: badarg
===> When submitting a bug report, please include the output of `rebar3 report "your command"`
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