#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
//The struct of list node
typedef struct Node
int iData;
struct Node* pNext;
* Swap the place between two near nodes
void nearLNodeSwap(LNode** pList)
//Nothing to do in the case of pList is NULL or just has one node
if(NULL == pList || NULL == *pList || NULL == (*pList)->pNext)
return ;
LNode* pre = NULL;
LNode* p = *pList;
LNode* q = p->pNext;
while(p != NULL && q != NULL)
if(p == (*pList)) //Head node
*pList = q;
else //Other nodes
pre->pNext = q;
p->pNext = q->pNext;
q->pNext = p;
pre = p;
p = p->pNext;
if(p != NULL)
q = p->pNext;
*Create a List and init all of the nodes
*pList: the List be created
*listSize: list size
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