// Copyright 2010, Shuo Chen. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Shuo Chen (chenshuo at chenshuo dot com)
// This is an internal header file, you should not include this.
#include "muduo/base/noncopyable.h"
#include "muduo/base/Timestamp.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace muduo
namespace net
class EventLoop;
/// A selectable I/O channel.
/// This class doesn't own the file descriptor.
/// The file descriptor could be a socket,
/// an eventfd, a timerfd, or a signalfd
class Channel : noncopyable
typedef std::function<void()> EventCallback;
typedef std::function<void(Timestamp)> ReadEventCallback;
Channel(EventLoop* loop, int fd);
void handleEvent(Timestamp receiveTime);
void setReadCallback(ReadEventCallback cb) //读
{ readCallback_ = std::move(cb); }
void setWriteCallback(EventCallback cb) //写
{ writeCallback_ = std::move(cb); }
void setCloseCallback(EventCallback cb) //关闭
{ closeCallback_ = std::move(cb); }
void setErrorCallback(EventCallback cb) //出错
{ errorCallback_ = std::move(cb); }
/// Tie this channel to the owner object managed by shared_ptr,
/// prevent the owner object being destroyed in handleEvent.
void tie(const std::shared_ptr<void>&);
int fd() const { return fd_; }
int events() const { return events_; }
void set_revents(int revt) { revents_ = revt; } // used by pollers
// int revents() const { return revents_; }
bool isNoneEvent() const { return events_ == kNoneEvent; }
void enableReading() { events_ |= kReadEvent; update(); } //注册可读事件
void disableReading() { events_ &= ~kReadEvent; update(); }//销毁读事件
void enableWriting() { events_ |= kWriteEvent; update(); } //注册可写事件
void disableWriting() { events_ &= ~kWriteEvent; update(); }///销毁写事件
void disableAll() { events_ = kNoneEvent; update(); }
bool isWriting() const { return events_ & kWriteEvent; }
bool isReading() const { return events_ & kReadEvent; }
// for Poller
int index() { return index_; }
void set_index(int idx) { index_ = idx; }
// for debug
string reventsToString() const;
string eventsToString() const;
void doNotLogHup() { logHup_ = false; }
EventLoop* ownerLoop() { return loop_; }
void remove();
static string eventsToString(int fd, int ev);
void update();
void handleEventWithGuard(Timestamp receiveTime);
static const int kNoneEvent; //无事件
static const int kReadEvent; //可读事件
static const int kWriteEvent; //可写事件
EventLoop* loop_;
const int fd_;
int events_;
int revents_; // it's the received event types of epoll or poll
int index_; // used by Poller.
bool logHup_;
std::weak_ptr<void> tie_;
bool tied_;
bool eventHandling_;
bool addedToLoop_;
ReadEventCallback readCallback_;
EventCallback writeCallback_;
EventCallback closeCallback_;
EventCallback errorCallback_;
} // namespace net
} // namespace muduo
// Copyright 2010, Shuo Chen. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Shuo Chen (chenshuo at chenshuo dot com)
#include "muduo/base/Logging.h"
#include "muduo/net/Channel.h"
#include "muduo/net/EventLoop.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <poll.h>
using namespace muduo;
using namespace muduo::net;
const int Channel::kNoneEvent = 0;
const int Channel::kReadEvent = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
const int Channel::kWriteEvent = POLLOUT;
Channel::Channel(EventLoop* loop, int fd__)
: loop_(loop), //channel所属的loop,一个channel只属于一个loop
fd_(fd__), //channel负责的文件描述符
events_(0), //注册的事件
revents_(0), //poller设置的就绪的事件
index_(-1), //被poller使用的下标
logHup_(true), //是否生成某些日志
tied_(false), 用于tie()方法
eventHandling_(false), //处理handevent的标志
addedToLoop_(false) //是否正在循环监听中
if (loop_->isInLoopThread())
void Channel::tie(const std::shared_ptr<void>& obj)
tie_ = obj;
tied_ = true;
void Channel::update() //调到loop_->updateChannel,再调用poll->updateChannel
addedToLoop_ = true;
void Channel::remove() //同上
addedToLoop_ = false;
void Channel::handleEvent(Timestamp receiveTime) 事件到来调用handleEvent处理
std::shared_ptr<void> guard; //守护
if (tied_)
guard = tie_.lock();
if (guard)
//EPOLLIN :表示对应的文件描述符可以读;
void Channel::handleEventWithGuard(Timestamp receiveTime)
eventHandling_ = true;
LOG_TRACE << reventsToString();
if ((revents_ & POLLHUP) && !(revents_ & POLLIN)) //判断返回事件类型
if (logHup_)
LOG_WARN << "fd = " << fd_ << " Channel::handle_event() POLLHUP";
if (closeCallback_) closeCallback_();
if (revents_ & POLLNVAL) //不合法文件描述符
LOG_WARN << "fd = " << fd_ << " Channel::handle_event() POLLNVAL";
if (revents_ & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL))
if (errorCallback_) errorCallback_();
if (revents_ & (POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLRDHUP)) //POLLRDHUP是对端关闭连接事件,如shutdown等
if (readCallback_) readCallback_(receiveTime);
if (revents_ & POLLOUT)
if (writeCallback_) writeCallback_();
eventHandling_ = false;
string Channel::reventsToString() const
return eventsToString(fd_, revents_);
string Channel::eventsToString() const
return eventsToString(fd_, events_);
string Channel::eventsToString(int fd, int ev)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << fd << ": ";
if (ev & POLLIN)
oss << "IN ";
if (ev & POLLPRI)
oss << "PRI ";
if (ev & POLLOUT)
oss << "OUT ";
if (ev & POLLHUP)
oss << "HUP ";
if (ev & POLLRDHUP)
oss << "RDHUP ";
if (ev & POLLERR)
oss << "ERR ";
if (ev & POLLNVAL)
oss << "NVAL ";
return oss.str();
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