修正 010 Editor 模板文件 MachO.bt 的错误

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使用 010 Editor 模板 MachO.bt 去分析 Mach-O 文件格式,提示一个错误 Hit an unknown or unsupported load command : [-2147483608],如下图:

对比出错的地方,仔细查看模板文件的代码,找到了是因为 LC_MAIN 这个 loadcommand 的错误信息,需要修改两个地方,第 331 行的

MAIN = 0x28 修改成 MAIN = 0x28 | REQ_DYLD,然后在 838 行 switch 语句的 default 上面添加以下代码。

case MAIN:
    uint64  entryoff;	/* file (__TEXT) offset of main() */
    uint64  stacksize;/* if not zero, initial stack size */


修改后的 MachO.bt 如下:

//--- 010 Editor v3.2.2 Binary Template
//   File: MachO.bt
//   Authors: Tim "diff" Strazzere
//   Revisor: exchen
//   E-mail: diff@lookout.com, strazz@gmail.com
//   Version: 1.4
//   Purpose: Quick template for parsing Mach-o binaries,
//            including Mac OS X executables, .o and .dylib files. 
//  Category: Executable
// File Mask: *,*.o,*.dylib
//   History: 
//   1.4   2017-03-17 swigger at gmail.com: enable encryption segment 64.
//   1.3   2016-06-08 N Moinvaziri: Fixed definition of section_64. Offset should have been uint64 and reserved3 missing.
//   1.2   2016-02-12 SweetScape Software: Updated header for repository submission.
//   1.1   T Strazzere: - Minimum version load command now properly outputs the format for better readability
//                      - Added a readvalue function for the header, helps understand headers at a glance 
//   1.0   T Strazzere: - Correctly parses FAT headers and will continue to parse the rest of the combined
//                        binary
//                      - Added many todo's to make the output more pretty
//                      - Fixed some broken LoadCommands (64bit ones mainly), will gracefully fail if unknown
//                        LoadCommand is hit
//                      - Found some bugs in 010Editor and added fixes to try to avoid those
//   1.0   T Strazzere: - First stab it this, lots of issues - FAT binaries don't work at all
// Known issues:
//  - Needs optimized structures otherwise anything of a decent size will kill it
//    (Related to an 010Editor template bug)
// Mach-o's should be Little Endian only -- except for the fat_header/fat_arch
typedef enum <uint> {
    MACHO_32        = 0xFEEDFACE, // 32-bit mach object file
    MACHO_64        = 0xFEEDFACF, // 64-bit mach object file
    MACHO_FAT       = 0xCAFEBABE, // Universal object file / FAT_MAGIC
} Magic <format=hex>;
#define CPU_ARCH_MASK       0xff000000
#define CPU_ARCH_ABI64      0x01000000
// This looks ugly due to a limitation (bug?) in 010Editor template processing,
// basically we're unable to define more constant using other constants - it doesn't
// see them as already being processed when trying to define others (though it won't
// error on this until it hits this when trying to access that constant)
#define CPU_TYPE_X86        0x7
#define CPU_TYPE_I386       0x7 // CPU_TYPE_X86
#define CPU_TYPE_X86_64     (0x7 | 0x01000000) // (CPU_TYPE_X86 | CPU_ARCH_ABI64)
#define CPU_TYPE_POWERPC    0x12
#define CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64  (0x12 | 0x01000000) // (CPU_TYPE_POWERPC | CPU_ARCH_ABI64)
#define CPU_TYPE_ARM        0xC
typedef enum <uint> {
    MACH_OBJECT       = 0x1,
    MACH_EXECUTE      = 0x2,
    MACH_FVMLIB       = 0x3,
    MACH_CORE         = 0x4,
    MACH_PRELOAD      = 0x5,
    MACH_DYLIB        = 0x6,
    MACH_DYLINKER     = 0x7,
    MACH_BUNDLE       = 0x8,
    MACH_DYLIB_STUB   = 0x9,
    MACH_DSYM         = 0xA,
} FileType;
typedef enum <uint> {
    i386_THREAD_STATE       = 0x1,
    i386_FLOAT_STATE        = 0x2,
    i386_EXCEPTION_STATE    = 0x3
} i386ThreadFlavor <format=hex>;
typedef struct {
    uint32 eax <format=hex>;
    uint32 ebx <format=hex>;
    uint32 ecx <format=hex>;
    uint32 edx <format=hex>;
    uint32 edi <format=hex>;
    uint32 esi <format=hex>;
    uint32 ebp <format=hex>;
    uint32 esp <format=hex>;
    uint32 ss <format=hex>;
    uint32 eflags <format=hex>;
    uint32 eip <format=hex>;
    uint32 cs <format=hex>;
    uint32 ds <format=hex>;
    uint32 es <format=hex>;
    uint32 fs <format=hex>;
    uint32 gs <format=hex>;
} i386ThreadState;
typedef enum <uint> {
    x86_THREAD_STATE32      = 0x1,
    x86_FLOAT_STATE32       = 0x2,
    x86_EXCEPTION_STATE32   = 0x3,
    x86_THREAD_STATE64      = 0x4,
    x86_FLOAT_STATE64       = 0x5,
    x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64   = 0x6,
    x86_THREAD_STATE        = 0x7,
    x86_FLOAT_STATE         = 0x8,
    x86_EXCEPTION_STATE     = 0x9,
    x86_DEBUG_STATE32       = 0xA,
    x86_DEBUG_STATE64       = 0xB,
    x86_DEBUG_STATE         = 0xC,
    THREAD_STATE_NONE       = 0xD
} x86ThreadFlavor <format=hex>;
typedef struct {
    uint64 rax <format=hex>;
    uint64 rbx <format=hex>;
    uint64 rcx <format=hex>;
    uint64 rdx <format=hex>;
    uint64 rdi <format=hex>;
    uint64 rsi <format=hex>;
    uint64 rbp <format=hex>;
    uint64 rsp <format=hex>;
    uint64 r8 <format=hex>;
    uint64 r9 <format=hex>;
    uint64 r10 <format=hex>;
    uint64 r11 <format=hex>;
    uint64 r12 <format=hex>;
    uint64 r13 <format=hex>;
    uint64 r14 <format=hex>;
    uint64 r15 <format=hex>;
    uint64 rip <format=hex>;
    uint64 rflags <format=hex>;
    uint64 cs <format=hex>;
    uint64 fs <format=hex>;
    uint64 gs <format=hex>;
} x86ThreadState;
typedef enum <uint> {
    PPC_THREAD_STATE        = 0x1,
    PPC_FLOAT_STATE         = 0x2,
    PPC_EXCEPTION_STATE     = 0x3,
    PPC_VECTOR_STATE        = 0x4,
    PPC_THREAD_STATE64      = 0x5,
} PPCThreadFlavor <format=hex>;
typedef struct {
    uint32 r0 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r1 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r2 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r3 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r4 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r5 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r6 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r7 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r8 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r9 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r10 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r11 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r12 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r13 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r14 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r15 <format=hex>;
    uint32 r16 <format=hex>;
} ARMThreadState;
typedef struct {
    uint32 __srr0 <comment="Instruction address register (PC)">;
    uint32 __srr1 <comment="Machine state register (supervisor)">;
    uint32 __r0;
    uint32 __r1;
    uint32 __r2;
    uint32 __r3;
    uint32 __r4;
    uint32 __r5;
    uint32 __r6;
    uint32 __r7;
    uint32 __r8;
    uint32 __r9;
    uint32 __r10;
    uint32 __r11;
    uint32 __r12;
    uint32 __r13;
    uint32 __r14;
    uint32 __r15;
    uint32 __r16;
    uint32 __r17;
    uint32 __r18;
    uint32 __r19;
    uint32 __r20;
    uint32 __r21;
    uint32 __r22;
    uint32 __r23;
    uint32 __r24;
    uint32 __r25;
    uint32 __r26;
    uint32 __r27;
    uint32 __r28;
    uint32 __r29;
    uint32 __r30;
    uint32 __r31;
    uint32 __cr <comment="Condition register">;
    uint32 __xer <comment="User's integer exception register">;
    uint32 __lr <comment="Link register">;
    uint32 __ctr <comment="Count register">;
    uint32 __mq <comment="MQ Register (601 only)">;
    uint32 __vrsave <comment="Vector save register">;
} PPCThreadState;
typedef enum <uint> {
    MACH_NOUNDEFS                   = 0x1,
    MACH_INCRLINK                   = 0x2,
    MACH_DYLDLINK                   = 0x4,
    MACH_BINDATLOAD                 = 0x8,
    MACH_PREBOUND                   = 0x10,
    MACH_SPLIT_SEGS                 = 0x20,
    MACH_LAZY_INIT                  = 0x40,
    MACH_TWOLEVEL                   = 0x80,
    MACH_FORCE_FLAT                 = 0x100,
    MACH_NOMULTIDEFS                = 0x200,
    MACH_NOFIXPREBINDING            = 0x400,
    MACH_PREBINDABLE                = 0x800,
    MACH_ALLMODSBOUND               = 0x1000,
    MACH_CANONICAL                  = 0x4000,
    MACH_WEAK_DEFINES               = 0x8000,
    MACH_BINDS_TO_WEAK              = 0x10000,
    MACH_ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION      = 0x20000,
    MACH_ROOT_SAFE                  = 0x40000,
    MACH_SETUID_SAFE                = 0x80000,
    MACH_NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS       = 0x100000,
    MACH_PIE                        = 0x200000,
    MACH_DEAD_STRIPPABLE_DYLIB      = 0x400000,
    MACH_HAS_TLV_DESCRIPTORS        = 0x800000,
    MACH_NO_HEAP_EXECUTION          = 0x1000000
} Flags;
typedef struct {
    uint32 cpu_type <comment="CPU specifier", format=hex>;
    // TODO : Extract out capabilities here
    uint32 cpu_sub_type <comment="Machine specifier", format=hex>;
    uint32 file_offset  <comment="Offset of header in file">;
    uint32 size  <comment="Size of object file">;
    uint32 align  <comment="alignment as a power of two">;
} Fat_Arch;
typedef struct {
    Magic magic <comment="Magic bytes for the file">;
    if(magic == MACHO_FAT || magic == MACHO_FAT_CIGAM) {
        // Need to switch to BigEndian!
        uint32 fat_arch_size <comment="Number of fat_arch structs">;
        Fat_Arch fat_arch[fat_arch_size];
        // Switch back to LittleEndian for rest of parsing
    } else {
        uint32 cpu_type <comment="CPU specifier", format=hex>;
        uint32 cpu_sub_type <comment="Machine specifier", format=hex>;
        FileType file_type;
        uint32 num_load_commands;
        uint32 size_of_load_commands;
        Flags flags;
    if(magic == MACHO_64) {
        uint32 reserved;
} Header <read=HeaderRead>;
string HeaderRead(Header &header) {
    local string header_string;
    switch(header.magic) {
        case MACHO_FAT :
        case MACHO_FAT_CIGAM :
            header_string = "FAT header";
        case MACHO_32 :
            header_string = "32bit Mach-O header";
        case MACHO_64 :
            header_string = "64bit Mach-O header";
        default :
            header_string = "Unknown header!";
    return header_string;
#define REQ_DYLD (0x80000000)
typedef enum <uint> {
    SEGMENT                 = 0x1,
    SYM_TAB                 = 0x2,
    SYM_SEG                 = 0x3,
    THREAD                  = 0x4,
    UNIX_THREAD             = 0x5,
    LOAD_FVM_LIB            = 0x6,
    ID_FVM_LIB              = 0x7,
    IDENT                   = 0x8,
    FVM_FILE                = 0x9,
    PREPAGE                 = 0xA,
    DY_SYM_TAB              = 0xB,
    LOAD_DYLIB              = 0xC,
    ID_DYLIB                = 0xD,
    LOAD_DYLINKER           = 0xE,
    ID_DYLINKER             = 0xF,
    PREBOUND_DYLIB          = 0x10,
    ROUTINES                = 0x11,
    SUB_FRAMEWORK           = 0x12,
    SUB_UMBRELLA            = 0x13,
    SUB_CLIENT              = 0x14,
    SUB_LIBRARY             = 0x15,
    TWOLEVEL_HINTS          = 0x16,
    PREBIND_CKSUM        = 0x17,
    LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB         = 0x18 | REQ_DYLD,
    SEGMENT_64              = 0x19,
    ROUTINES_64             = 0x1A,
    UUID                    = 0x1B,
    RPATH                   = 0x1C | REQ_DYLD,
    CODE_SIGNATURE          = 0x1D,
    SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO      = 0x1E,
    REEXPORT_DYLIB          = 0x1F | REQ_DYLD,
    LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB         = 0x20,
    ENCRYPTION_INFO         = 0x21,
    DYLD_INFO               = 0x22,
    DYLD_INFO_ONLY          = 0x22 | REQ_DYLD,
    LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB       = 0x23 | REQ_DYLD,
    VERSION_MIN_MAC_OSX     = 0x24,
    FUNCTION_STARTS         = 0x26,
    DYLD_ENVIRONMENT        = 0x27,
    MAIN                    = 0x28 | REQ_DYLD,
    DATA_IN_CODE            = 0x29,
    SOURCE_VERSION          = 0x2A,
    DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS     = 0x2B,
    ENCRYPTION_INFO_64 = 0x2c,
} LoadCommandType <read=LoadCommandTypeRead>;
string LoadCommandTypeRead(LoadCommandType &loadCommandType) {
    switch(loadCommandType) {
        case SEGMENT :
            return "SEGMENT";
        case SYM_TAB :
            return "SYM_TAB";
        case SYM_SEG :
            return "SYM_SEG";
        case THREAD :
            return "THREAD";
        case UNIX_THREAD :
            return "UNIX_THREAD";
        case LOAD_FVM_LIB :
            return "LOAD_FVM_LIB";
        case ID_FVM_LIB :
            return "ID_FVM_LIB";
        case IDENT :
            return "IDENT";
        case FVM_FILE :
            return "FVM_FILE";
        case PREPAGE :
            return "PREPAGE";
        case DY_SYM_TAB :
            return "DY_SYM_TAB";
        case LOAD_DYLIB :
            return "LOAD_DYLIB";
        case ID_DYLIB :
            return "ID_DYLIB";
        case LOAD_DYLINKER :
            return "LOAD_DYLINKER";
        case ID_DYLINKER :
            return "ID_DYLINKER";
        case PREBOUND_DYLIB :
            return "PREBOUND_DYLIB";
        case ROUTINES :
            return "ROUTINES";
        case SUB_FRAMEWORK :
            return "SUB_FRAMEWORK";
        case SUB_UMBRELLA :
            return "SUB_UMBRELLA";
        case SUB_CLIENT :
            return "SUB_CLIENT";
        case SUB_LIBRARY :
            return "SUB_LIBRARY";
        case TWOLEVEL_HINTS :
            return "TWOLEVEL_HINTS";
        case PREBIND_CKSUM :
            return "PREBIND_CKSUM";
        case LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB :
            return "LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB";
        case SEGMENT_64 :
            return "SEGMENT_64";
        case ROUTINES_64 :
            return "ROUTINES_64";
        case UUID :
            return "UUID";
        case RPATH :
            return "RPATH";
        case CODE_SIGNATURE :
            return "CODE_SIGNATURE";
        case SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO :
            return "SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO";
        case REEXPORT_DYLIB :
            return "REEXPORT_DYLIB";
        case LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB :
            return "LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB";
        case ENCRYPTION_INFO :
            return "ENCRYPTION_INFO";
        case DYLD_INFO :
            return "DYLD_INFO";
        case DYLD_INFO_ONLY :
            return "DYLD_INFO_ONLY";
        case LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB :
            return "LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB";
        case VERSION_MIN_MAC_OSX :
            return "VERSION_MIN_MAC_OSX";
        case VERSION_MIN_IPHONE_OS :
            return "VERSION_MIN_IPHONE_OS";
        case FUNCTION_STARTS :
            return "FUNCTION_STARTS";
        case DYLD_ENVIRONMENT :
            return "DYLD_ENVIRONMENT";
        case MAIN :
            return "MAIN";
        case DATA_IN_CODE :
            return "DATA_IN_CODE";
        case SOURCE_VERSION :
            return "SOURCE_VERSION";
        case DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS :
            return "DYLIB_CODE_SIGN_DRS";
        case ENCRYPTION_INFO_64:
            return "ENCRYPTION_INFO_64";
        default :
            return "Error";
typedef struct {
    char section_name[16];
    char segment_name[16];
    uint32 address <format=hex>;
    uint32 size <format=hex>;
    uint32 offset;
    uint32 section_alignment;
    uint32 relocation_entry_offset;
    uint32 number_of_relocation_entries;
    uint32 flags <format=hex>;
    uint32 reserved1;
    uint32 reserved2;
} Section <optimize=false>;
typedef struct {
    char section_name[16];
    char segment_name[16];
    uint64 address <format=hex>;
    uint64 size <format=hex>;
    uint32 offset;
    uint32 section_alignment;
    uint32 relocation_entry_offset;
    uint32 number_of_relocation_entries;
    uint32 flags <format=hex>;
    uint32 reserved1;
    uint32 reserved2;
    uint32 reserved3;
} Section64 <optimize=false>;
typedef uint vm_proc;
typedef enum <uint> {
    HIGH_VM                 = 0x1,
    FVM_LIB                 = 0x2,
    NO_RELOC                = 0x4,
} SegmentFlags <format=hex>;
typedef struct {
    uint32 load_command_string_offset <comment="Offset in respect to the start of load command to string data">; 
    local int64 pos = FTell();
    // We need to goto beginning of LoadCommand, then goto the offset
    FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 3) + load_command_string_offset);
    string string_data <comment="Load command string">;
} LoadCommandString <read=LoadCommandStringRead>;
string LoadCommandStringRead(LoadCommandString &loadCommandString) {
    return loadCommandString.string_data;
typedef ubyte Uuid[16] <read=UuidRead, format=hex>;
// TODO : Clean this ugly thing up
string UuidRead(Uuid uuid) {
    local string ret, tmp;
    local int i;
    for(i = 0; i<4; i++) {
        SPrintf(tmp, "%.2X", uuid[i]);
        ret += tmp;
    ret += "-";
    for(i = 0; i<2; i++) {
        SPrintf(tmp, "%.2X", uuid[i+4]);
        ret += tmp;
    ret += "-";
    for(i = 0; i<2; i++) {
        SPrintf(tmp, "%.2X", uuid[i+6]);
        ret += tmp;
    ret += "-";
    for(i = 0; i<2; i++) {
        SPrintf(tmp, "%.2X", uuid[i+8]);
        ret += tmp;
    ret += "-";
    for(i = 0; i<6; i++) {
        SPrintf(tmp, "%.2X", uuid[i+10]);
        ret += tmp;
    return ret;
typedef struct {
    uint32 version;
} Version <read=VersionRead>;
string VersionRead(Version &version) {
    local string version_string;
    if(version.version & 0xFF == 0) {
        SPrintf(version_string, "%u.%u", version.version >> 16, (version.version >> 8) & 0xFF);
    } else {
        SPrintf(version_string, "%u.%u.%u", version.version >> 16, (version.version >> 8) & 0xFF, version.version & 0xFF);
    return version_string;
typedef struct {
    //LoadCommandHead loadCommandHead <comment="Load command type and size">;
    LoadCommandType command;
    uint command_size;
    // Process rest of load command based on command type
    switch(command) {
    case ID_DYLIB :
    case LOAD_DYLIB :
    case LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB :
        LoadCommandString name;
        // TODO : Pretty print this
        uint32 timestamp;
        // TODO : Pretty print this
        uint32 current_version;
        // TODO : Pretty print this
        uint32 compatibility_version;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 6));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
    case SYM_TAB :
        uint32 symbol_table_offset <comment="Symbol table offsett address">;
        uint32 number_of_symbol_table_entries <comment="Number of symbol table entries">;
        uint32 string_table_offset <comment="String table offset">;
        uint32 string_table_size <comment="String table size in bytes">;
    case DYLD_INFO :
    case DYLD_INFO_ONLY :
        uint32 rebase_offset;
        uint32 rebase_size;
        uint32 bind_offset;
        uint32 bind_size;
        uint32 weak_bind_offset;
        uint32 weak_bind_size;
        uint32 lazy_bind_offset;
        uint32 lazy_bind_size;
        uint32 export_offset;
        uint32 export_size;
    case DY_SYM_TAB :
        uint32 index_local_symbols;
        uint32 local_symbols_size;
        uint32 index_externally_defined_symbols;
        uint32 externally_defined_symbols_size;
        uint32 index_undefined_symbols;
        uint32 undefined_symbols_size;
        uint32 table_contents_offset;
        uint32 enteries_toc_size;
        uint32 file_offset_module_table;
        uint32 module_table_entries_size;
        uint32 external_references_symbol_table_offset;
        uint32 external_references_symbol_table_size;
        uint32 indirect_symbol_table_offset;
        uint32 indirect_symbol_table_size;
        uint32 external_relocation_entries_offset;
        uint32 external_relocation_entries_size;
        uint32 local_relocation_entries_offset;
        uint32 local_relocation_entries_size;
    case UUID :
        Uuid uuid;
        // TODO : Pretty print this
        Version version;
        uint32 reserved <comment="Should be zero">;
    case DATA_IN_CODE:
        uint32 data_offset;
        uint32 data_size;
    case UNIX_THREAD :
    case THREAD :
        switch(cpu_typer) {
            case CPU_TYPE_X86 :
            case CPU_TYPE_I386 :
                i386ThreadFlavor flavor;
                // TODO : Pretty print this
                uint32 count;
                switch(flavor) {
                    case i386_THREAD_STATE :
                        i386ThreadState threadState;
                    // TODO : Flesh these guys out
                    case i386_FLOAT_STATE :
                    case i386_EXCEPTION_STATE :
            case CPU_TYPE_X86_64 :
                x86ThreadFlavor flavor;
                // TODO : Pretty print this
                uint32 count;
                switch(flavor) {
                    case x86_THREAD_STATE64 :
                        x86ThreadState threadState;
                    // TODO : Flesh these guys out
                    case x86_FLOAT_STATE64 :
                    case x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64 :
                    case x86_DEBUG_STATE64 :
            case CPU_TYPE_POWERPC :
            case CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64 :
                PPCThreadFlavor flavor;
                // TODO : Pretty print this
                uint32 count;
                switch(flavor) {
                    case PPC_THREAD_STATE :
                        PPCThreadState threadState;
                    // TODO : Flesh these guys out
                    case  PPC_FLOAT_STATE  :
                    case PPC_EXCEPTION_STATE :
                    case PPC_VECTOR_STATE :
                    case PPC_THREAD_STATE64 :
                    case PPC_EXCEPTION_STATE64 :
            case CPU_TYPE_ARM :
                // TODO: Unsure if this is correct ?
//                uint32 flavor;
//                uint32 count;
                ARMThreadState threadState;
    case FVM_LIB :
    case ID_FVM_LIB :
        LoadCommandString name <comment="Fixed virtual memory library's target path name">;
        uint32 minor_version <comment="Library's minor version number">;
        uint32 header_address <comment="Library's header address">;
//        Reposition(command_size, sizeof(uint32) * 5);
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 5));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
    case SUB_FRAMEWORK :
        LoadCommandString umbrella <comment="Umbrella framework name">;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 3));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
    case SUB_CLIENT :
        LoadCommandString client <comment="Client name">;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 3));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
    case SUB_UMBRELLA :
        LoadCommandString sub_umbrella <comment="Sub umbrella framework name">;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 3));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
    case SUB_LIBRARY :
        LoadCommandString sub_library <comment="Sub library name">;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 3));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
        LoadCommandString name <comment="Library's path name">;
        uint32 modules_size <comment="Number of modules inside library">;
        LoadCommandString linked_modules <comment="Bit vector of linked modules">;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 5));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
    case ID_DYLINKER :
    case LOAD_DYLINKER :
        LoadCommandString name <comment="Dynamic linker's path name">;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 3));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
    case ROUTINES_64 :
        uint64 init_address <comment="Address of initialization routine">;
        uint64 init_module <comment="Index into module table that init routine is defined">;
        uint32 reversed_1;
        uint32 reversed_2;
        uint32 reversed_3;
        uint32 reversed_4;
        uint32 reversed_5;
        uint32 reversed_6;
    case ROUTINES :
        uint32 init_address <comment="Address of initialization routine">;
        uint32 init_module <comment="Index into module table that init routine is defined">;
        uint32 reversed_1;
        uint32 reversed_2;
        uint32 reversed_3;
        uint32 reversed_4;
        uint32 reversed_5;
        uint32 reversed_6;
        uint32 offset <comment="Offset into the hint table">;
        uint32 hints_size <comment="Number of hints inside the hints table">;
    case PREBIND_CKSUM :
        uint32 cksum <comment="Checksum or zero">;
    case RPATH:
        LoadCommandString path <comment="Path to add to run path">;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 3));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
        uint32 crypt_offset <comment="File offset of encrypted range">;
        uint32 crypt_size <comment="File size of the encrypted range">;
        uint32 crypt_id <comment="Which encryption system, 0 means not-encrypted yet">;
    case IDENT :
    case FVM_FILE :
        LoadCommandString name <comment="File's pathname">;
        uint32 header_address <comment="File's virtual address">;
        // Seek to the beginning of the LoadCommand
        FSeek(FTell() - (sizeof(uint32) * 4));
        // Then skip to the end of the command based on the command_size
    case SEGMENT_64 :
        char segment_name[16];
        uint64 vm_address <format=hex>;
        uint64 vm_size <format=hex>;
        uint64 file_off;
        uint64 file_size;
        vm_proc maximum_protection <format=hex>;
        vm_proc initial_protection <format=hex>;
        uint32 number_of_sections;
        // TODO : Fix this enum
        SegmentFlags flags;
        // Having this if statement will prevent warnings in 010Editor
        if(number_of_sections > 0) {
            Section64 section[number_of_sections];
    case SEGMENT :
        char segment_name[16];
        uint32 vm_address <format=hex>;
        uint32 vm_size <format=hex>;
        uint32 file_off;
        uint32 file_size;
        vm_proc maximum_protection <format=hex>;
        vm_proc initial_protection <format=hex>;
        uint32 number_of_sections;
        // TODO : Fix this enum
        SegmentFlags flags;
        // Having this if statement will prevent warnings in 010Editor
        if(number_of_sections > 0) {
            Section section[number_of_sections];
        uint32 unka;
        uint32 unkb;
    case ENCRYPTION_INFO_64:
        uint32	cryptoff  <format=hex>; /* file offset of encrypted range */
        uint32	cryptsize <format=hex>; /* file size of encrypted range */
        uint32	cryptid;	/* which enryption system, 0 means not-encrypted yet */
        uint32	pad;		/* padding to make this struct's size a multiple of 8 */
    case MAIN:
        uint64  entryoff;	/* file (__TEXT) offset of main() */
        uint64  stacksize;/* if not zero, initial stack size */
    default :
        Warning("Hit an unknown or unsupported load command : [%d]", command);
} LoadCommand <read=LoadCommandReader, optimize=false>;
string LoadCommandReader(LoadCommand &loadCommand) {
    return LoadCommandTypeRead(loadCommand.command) + " load command";
Header header <comment="Mach-o header information">;
local uint32 cpu_typer;
if(header.magic == MACHO_32 || header.magic == MACHO_64) {
    cpu_typer = header.cpu_type;
    // If we didn't find a FAT header, then just process the load commands
    LoadCommand loadCommand[header.num_load_commands];
} else {
    // Otherwise we need to grab the new headers again
    local int i;
    for(i = 0; i < header.fat_arch_size; i++) {
        Header machHeader;
        cpu_typer = machHeader.cpu_type;
        LoadCommand loadCommand[machHeader.num_load_commands];



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