There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom

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使用Echarts插件的时候,多次加载会出现There is a chart instance already initialized on the dom.的警告,意思是DOM上已经初始化了一个图表实例。



var rateChart; //全局变量
function rate_fold(comPany, dataMon, nowSeries) {
  if (rateChart != null && rateChart != "" && rateChart != undefined) {
    rateChart.dispose(); //销毁
  rateChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('rate_fold_line')); //初始化
  var option = {
    title: {
      text: "大用户成功率"
    tooltip: {
      trigger: 'axis'
    legend: {
      data: comPany,
      orient: 'vertical',
      x: 'right',
      y: 'center'
    calculable: true,
    xAxis: [{
      type: 'category',
      boundaryGap: false,
      data: dataMon,
      axisLabel: {
        rotate: 50
    yAxis: [{
      type: 'value',
      max: 100,
      min: 98,
      splitNumber: 7
    series: nowSeries

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