原创 Tomcat崩溃kernel

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Jan 16 03:03:57 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: network-posix.c GetIpv4VifIp 1201 : failed to GetIpv4VifGateway

Jan 16 03:03:57 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: popen error

Jan 16 03:03:58 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: popen error

Jan 16 03:03:58 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: disk-posix.c getCmdInfo 1686 : exec cmd ls -l /sys/block | grep pci00 failed.

Jan 16 03:03:58 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: disk-posix.c getCmdInfo 1686 : exec cmd ls -l /sys/block/*/device failed.

Jan 16 03:03:58 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: disk-posix.c getDiskLocation 2305 : get disk vda cmd info failed.

Jan 16 03:03:58 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: extend_fun.c check_process_handles 1518 : Failed to exec shell command.

Jan 16 03:03:58 host-172-16-61-102 vm-agent: extend_fun.c check_process_memory 1563 : Failed to exec shell command.

Jan 16 03:04:20 host-172-16-61-102 kernel: java invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x14201ca(GFP_HIGHUSER_MOVABLE|__GFP_COLD), node

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