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一 Runas

在使用批处理实现自动化的工程中,我们也许会遇到某些操作必须要在拥有权限的某个用户下才能执行。但是这时windows自带的Runas在批处理中调用时不能完成自动输入密码。 这时需要使用免费的第三方工具:

1)lsrunas (


LSrunas can be used to run a command using another user account and passing the password as a parameter



/user:          specifies the username

/password:      specifies the password

/domain:        specifies the domain

/command:       specifies the command to execute and the parameters

/runpath:       specifies the path where the command should start



lsrunas /user:administrator /password:s3cr3tp@ssw0rd /domain:Mydomain /command:notepad.exe /runpath:c:\

lsrunas /user:administrator /password:s3cr3tp@ssw0rd /domain:Mydomain /command:”C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” /runpath:c:\

lsrunas /user:administrator /password:s3cr3tp@ssw0rd /domain:Mydomain /command:”C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe http://www.google.cn” /runpath:c:\

2)sanur (


Sanur is a tiny Win32 console utility that ‘pipes’ a password into the Windows 2000/XP/2003 Runas utility, thereby making Runas scriptable.


Pipe your normal Runas commandline into Sanur and specify the password on Sanur’s commandline or use the /i switch to have Sanur read the password from a file:-

RUNAS <options> | SANUR password

RUNAS <options> | SANUR /i [drive:][path]filename

In otherwords, just add  | SANUR password  to the end of your working Runas command.


Pipe the password ‘pa55w0rd’ into Runas:

runas /u:domain\username program.exe | sanur pa55w0rd

Pipe the password from the file named password.txt into Runas:

runas /u:domain\username program.exe | sanur /i password.txt

Same as above but any Runas errors, such as a logon failure, will be displayed:

runas /u:domain\username program.exe >&2 | sanur /i password.txt


SysinternalsSuite-ShellRunas – Launch programs as a different user via a convenient shell context-menu entry.
