package main
import (
func main() {
c := cli.NewCLI("app", "1.0.0") //这里指定了APP名字和版本
c.Args = os.Args[1:]
c.Commands = map[string]cli.CommandFactory{
"foo": fooCommandFactory, //定义foo命令和工厂
"bar": barCommandFactory, //定义bar命令和工厂
exitStatus, err := c.Run()
if err != nil {
func fooCommandFactory() (cli.Command, error) {
fmt.Println("I am foo command")
return new(FooCommand), nil
func barCommandFactory() (cli.Command, error) {
fmt.Println("I am bar command")
return new(BarCommand), nil
type FooCommand struct{}
// Help should return long-form help text that includes the command-line
// usage, a brief few sentences explaining the function of the command,
// and the complete list of flags the command accepts.
func (f *FooCommand) Help() string {
return "help foo"
// Run should run the actual command with the given CLI instance and
// command-line arguments. It should return the exit status when it is
// finished.
// There are a handful of special exit codes this can return documented
// above that change behavior.
func (f *FooCommand) Run(args []string) int {
fmt.Println("Foo Command is running")
return 1
// Synopsis should return a one-line, short synopsis of the command.
// This should be less than 50 characters ideally.
func (f *FooCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "foo command Synopsis"
type BarCommand struct{}
// Help should return long-form help text that includes the command-line
// usage, a brief few sentences explaining the function of the command,
// and the complete list of flags the command accepts.
func (b *BarCommand) Help() string {
return "help bar"
// Run should run the actual command with the given CLI instance and
// command-line arguments. It should return the exit status when it is
// finished.
// There are a handful of special exit codes this can return documented
// above that change behavior.
func (b *BarCommand) Run(args []string) int {
fmt.Println("bar Command is running")
return 1
// Synopsis should return a one-line, short synopsis of the command.
// This should be less than 50 characters ideally.
func (b *BarCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "bar command Synopsis"
运行go build编译,然后运行,就可以看到执行结果:
name@mypc MINGW64 /d/go-repo/test
$ go build cli1
name@mypc MINGW64 /d/go-repo/test
$ ll
total 3924
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name 197121 4017152 2月 21 09:47 cli1.exe*
drwxr-xr-x 1 name 197121 0 2月 18 14:19 src/
name@mypc MINGW64 /d/go-repo/test
$ ./cli1
I am bar command
I am foo command
I am bar command
I am foo command
Usage: app [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
bar bar command Synopsis
foo foo command Synopsis
name@mypc MINGW64 /d/go-repo/test
$ ./cli1 foo
I am bar command
I am foo command
I am foo command
Foo Command is running
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