Python SolidWorks 二次开发—SolidWorks保存文件

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Python SolidWorks 二次开发—SolidWorks保存文件

Python SolidWorks 二次开发—SolidWorks保存文件

一、连接SolidWorks 二次开发


Python SolidWorks 二次开发—Python如何连接SolidWorks





Function Save3( _
   ByVal Options As System.Integer, _
   ByRef Errors As System.Integer, _
   ByRef Warnings As System.Integer _
) As System.Boolean




Member Description
swSaveAsOptions_AvoidRebuildOnSave 8 or 0x8
swSaveAsOptions_Copy 2 or 0x2
swSaveAsOptions_DetachedDrawing 128 or 0x80; Not a valid option for IPartDoc::SaveToFile2
swSaveAsOptions_IgnoreBiography 256 or 0x100; Prune a SOLIDWORKS file’s revision history to just the current file name
swSaveAsOptions_OverrideSaveEmodel 32 or 0x20; Saves eDrawings-related information into a section of the file being saved; specifying this setting overrides the Tools, Options, System Options, General, Save eDrawings data in SOLIDWORKS document setting; not a valid option for IPartDoc::SaveToFile2
swSaveAsOptions_SaveEmodelData Obsolete.
swSaveAsOptions_SaveReferenced 4 or 0x4; Supports parts, assemblies, and drawings; this setting indicates to save all components (sub-assemblies and parts) in both assemblies and drawings; if a part has an external reference, then this setting indicates to save the external reference
swSaveAsOptions_Silent 1 or 0x1
swSaveAsOptions_UpdateInactiveViews 16 or 0x10; Not a valid option for IPartDoc::SaveToFile2; this setting is only applicable for a drawing that has one or more sheets; this setting updates the views on inactive sheets



Member Description
swFileLockError 16 or 0x10
swFileNameContainsAtSign 8 or 0x8 = File name cannot contain the at symbol (@)
swFileNameEmpty 4 or 0x4 = File name cannot be empty
swFileSaveAsBadEDrawingsVersion 1024 or 0x400
swFileSaveAsDoNotOverwrite 128 or 0x80 = Do not overwrite an existing file
swFileSaveAsInvalidFileExtension 256 or 0x100 = File name extension does not match the SOLIDWORKS document type
swFileSaveAsNameExceedsMaxPathLength 2048 or 0x800 = File name cannot exceed 255 characters
swFileSaveAsNoSelection 512 or 0x200 = Save the selected bodies in a part document. Valid option for IPartDoc::SaveToFile2; however, not a valid option for IModelDocExtension::SaveAs
swFileSaveAsNotSupported 4096 or 0x1000 = Save As operation:is not supported was executed is such a way that the resulting file might not be complete, possibly because SOLIDWORKS is hidden; if the error persists after setting SOLIDWORKS to visible and re-attempting the Save As operation, contact SOLIDWORKS API support.
swFileSaveFormatNotAvailable 32 or 0x20 = Save As file type is not valid
swFileSaveRequiresSavingReferences 8192 or 0x2000 = Saving an assembly with renamed components requires saving the references
swFileSaveWithRebuildError Obsolete = See swFileSaveWarning_e
swGenericSaveError 1 or 0x1
swReadOnlySaveError 2 or 0x2



Member Description
swFileSaveWarning_AnimatorCameraViews 128 or 0x80
swFileSaveWarning_AnimatorFeatureEdits 16 or 0x10
swFileSaveWarning_AnimatorLightEdits 64 or 0x40
swFileSaveWarning_AnimatorNeedToSolve 8 or 0x8
swFileSaveWarning_AnimatorSectionViews 256 or 0x100
swFileSaveWarning_EdrwingsBadSelection 32 or 0x20
swFileSaveWarning_MissingOLEObjects 512 or 0x200
swFileSaveWarning_NeedsRebuild 2 or 0x2
swFileSaveWarning_OpenedViewOnly 1024 or 0x400
swFileSaveWarning_RebuildError 1 or 0x1
swFileSaveWarning_ViewsNeedUpdate 4 or 0x4
swFileSaveWarning_XmlInvalid 2048 or 0x800




import win32com.client
from swconst import constants
import pythoncom

def savefile():
    # SolidWorks年份版本
    # 建立com连接,如只有一个版本,可以只写"SldWorks.Application"
    # 提升API交互效率
    swApp.CommandInProgress =True
    # 显示SolidWorks界面
    swApp.Visible =True
    # 获取当前激活文档对象
    swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Errors=win32com.client.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_BYREF | pythoncom.VT_I4, -1)
    Warnings=win32com.client.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_BYREF | pythoncom.VT_I4, -1)
    # constants.swSaveAsOptions_Silent也可以直接按照选项说明写整数:1
    boolstatus = swModel.Save3(constants.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Errors, Warnings)
    if boolstatus:

if __name__ == '__main__':

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