create table emp(
id int comment '编号',
woekno varchar(10) comment '工号',
name varchar(10) comment '姓名',
gender char(1) comment '性别',
age tinyint unsigned comment '年龄',
idcard char(18) comment '身份证号',
workaddress varchar(50) comment '工作地址',
entrydate date comment '入职时间'
) comment '员工表';
insert into emp(id, woekno, name, gender, age, idcard, workaddress, entrydate)
values (1,'1','蛛儿','女',20,'123456789012345678','北京','2000-01-01'),
一. 基本查询
1. 查询指定字段 name, workno, age 返回
select name,woekno,age from emp;
2. 查询所有字段返回
select id, woekno, name, gender, age, idcard, workaddress, entrydate from emp;
select * from emp;
3. 查询所有员工的工作地址, 起别名
select workaddress as '工作地址' from emp;
select workaddress '工作地址' from emp;
4. 查村所有员工的上班地址(不要重复)
select distinct workaddress '工作地址' from emp;
1. 查询年龄为 88 的员工信息
select * from emp where age = 88;
2. 查询年龄小于 20 的员工信息
select * from emp where age < 20;
3. 查询年龄小于等于 20 的员工信息
select * from emp where age <= 20;
4. 查询没有身份证号的员工信息
select * from emp where idcard is null;
5. 查询有身份证号的员工信息
select * from emp where idcard is not null;
6. 查询年龄不等于 88 的员工信息
select * from emp where age != 88;
select * from emp where age <> 88;
7. 查询年龄在 15 岁(包含) 到 20 岁(包含)之间的员工信息
select * from emp where age >= 15 && age <= 20;
select * from emp where age between 15 and 20;
8. 查询性别为 女 且年龄小于 25 岁的员工信息
select * from emp where gender = '女' and age < 25;
9. 查询年龄等于 18,20,40 的员工信息
select * from emp where age = 18 or age = 20 or age = 40;
select * from emp where age in (18,20,40);
10. 查询姓名为两个字的员工信息
select * from emp where name like '__';
11. 查询身份证号最后一位是X的员工信息
select * from emp where idcard like '%X';
select * from emp where idcard like '_________________X';
三. 聚合函数
1. 统计该企业员工数量
select count(*) from emp;
select count(id) from emp;
2. 统计该企业员工的平均年龄
select avg(age) from emp;
3. 统计该企业员工的最大年龄
select max(age) from emp;
4. 统计该企业员工的最小年龄
select min(age) from emp;
5. 统计西安地区员工的年龄之和
select sum(age) from emp where workaddress = '西安';
1. 根据性别分组,统计男性员工和女性员工的数量
select gender,count(*) from emp group by gender;
2. 根据性别分组,统计男性员工和女性员工的平均年龄
select gender,avg(age) from emp group by gender;
3. 查询年龄小于45的员工,并根据工作地址分组,获取员工数量大于等于3的工作地址
select workaddress,count(*) from emp where age < 45 group by workaddress having count(*) >= 3;
1. 根据年龄对公司的员工进行升序排序
select * from emp order by age asc;
2. 根据入职时间,对员工进行降序排序
select * from emp order by entrydate desc ;
3. 根据年龄对公司的员工进行升序排序,年龄相同,再按照入职时间进行升序排序
select * from emp order by age asc , entrydate asc ;
1. 查询第1页员工数据,每页展示10条记录
select * from emp limit 0,10;
2.查询第2页员工数据,每页展示10条记录 —-> (页码-1)-页展示记录数
select * from emp limit 10,10;
1. 查询年龄为20,21,22,23岁的女性员工信息
select * from emp where gender = '女' and age in(20,21,22,23);
2. 查询性别为男,并且年龄在20-40岁(含)以内的姓名为三个字的员工
select * from emp where gender = '男' and (age between 20 and 40) and name like '___';
3. 统计员工表中,年龄小于60岁的,男性和女性员工的人数
select gender,count(*) from emp where age < 60 group by gender;
4. 查询所有年龄小于等于35岁员工的姓名和年龄,并对查询结果按年龄升序排序,如果年龄相同按入职时间降序排序
select name,age from emp where age <= 35 order by age asc ,entrydate desc ;
5. 查询性别为男,且年龄在20-40岁(含)以内的前5个员工信息,对查询结果按年龄升序排序,年龄相同按入职时间升序排序
select * from emp where gender = '男' and age between 20 and 40 order by age asc ,entrydate asc limit 5;