1 数据处理指令
1.1 check the C condition of adds, adc,cmp
1.1.1 测试示例程序
测试adds, cmp以及adc指令的条件标志位
.global add_inst_test
mov x0, #0
ldr x1, =0xffffffffffffffff
mov x2, #3
adds x0, x1, x1
adc x3, xzr, xzr
当x1 > x2时,C=1
当x1 < x2是, C=0
cmp x1, x2
adc x4, xzr, xzr
1.1.2 执行之前
1.1.3 执行之后 ldr和mov指令之后 ads和adc指令之后
ADDS: Add (extended register), setting flags, adds a register value and a sign or zero-extended register value, followed by an optional left shift amount, and writes the result to the destination register. The argument that is extended from the register can be a byte, halfword, word, or doubleword. It updates the condition flags based on the result.
- ADDS , <Xn|SP>, {, {#}}
- (result, nzcv) = AddWithCarry(operand1, operand2, ‘0’);
- PSTATE.<N,Z,C,V> = nzcv;
X[d] = result;
ADC:Add with Carry adds two register values and the Carry flag value, and writes the result to the destination register. - (result, -) = AddWithCarry(operand1, operand2, PSTATE.C);
X[d] = result; cmp和adc指令之后
CMP:This instruction is an alias of the SUBS (shifted register) instruction.
- The encodings in this description are named to match the encodings of SUBS (shifted register).
The description of SUBS (shifted register) gives the operational pseudocode for this instruction.
1.2 cmp和sbc指令的综合运用
1.2.1 示例代码
ret = compare_and_return(10, 9);
val = compare_and_return(9, 10);
当arg1 >= arg2 时, 返回 0
当arg1 < arg2 时,返回0xffffffffffffffff
.global compare_and_return
cmp x0, x1
sbc x0, xzr, xzr
1.2.2 compare_and_return(10, 9)测试之前
1.2.3 compare_and_return(10, 9)测试之后
1.2.4 compare_and_return(9, 10)测试之前
1.2.5 compare_and_return(9, 10)测试之后
1.3 测试ands指令对Z标志位的影响 示例代码
data_process_instr lab3: 测试ands指令对Z标志位的影响
.global ands_test
mov x1, #0x3
mov x2, #0
//mov x2, #2
ands x3, x1, x2
/*读取NZCV寄存器,查看Z标志位是否为1, 见armv8.6手册第C5.2.9章*/
mrs x0, nzcv
1.3.2 测试之前
1.3.3 测试之后
1.4 测试位段bitfield指令
1.4.1 示例代码
data_process_instr lab4: 测试位段bitfield指令
.global bitfield_test
/* 位段插入*/
mov x1, 0x345
mov x0, 0
bfi x0, x1, 8, 4
ldr x2, =0x5678abcd
ubfx x3, x2, #4, #8
x4的其他比特位都是f, 最终:0xffffffffffffffbc*/
sbfx x4, x2, #4, #8
1.4.2 测试之前
1.4.3 bfi x0, x1, 8, 4之后
BFI :Bitfield Insert copies a bitfield of bits from the least significant bits of the source register to bit position of the destination register, leaving the other destination bits unchanged.
bfi x0, x1, 8, 4 该汇编指令的含义为:将x1寄存器的最低4位拷贝到x0寄存器的bit 8开始的4位上去,x0寄存器的其他位不变,所以最终x0寄存器的值被设置为0x500
1.4.4 ubfx and sbfx之后
UBFX :Unsigned Bitfield Extract copies a bitfield of bits starting from bit position in the source register to the least significant bits of the destination register, and sets destination bits above the bitfield to zero.
UBFX , , #, #
SBFX :Signed Bitfield Extract copies a bitfield of bits starting from bit position in the source register to the least significant bits of the destination register, and sets destination bits above the bitfield to a copy of the most significant bit of the bitfield. -
SBFX , , #, #
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1.5 读取寄存器的域
1.5.1 示例代码
data_process_instr lab4: 测试位段bitfield指令
.global bitfield_test
/* 位段插入*/
mov x1, 0x345
mov x0, 0
bfi x0, x1, 8, 4
ldr x2, =0x5678abcd
ubfx x3, x2, #4, #8
x4的其他比特位都是f, 最终:0xffffffffffffffbc*/
sbfx x4, x2, #4, #8
/*lab5: 使用ubfx指令来读取 寄存器的位域*/
mrs x1, ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1
ubfx x0, x1, #20, #4
ubfx x2, x1, #4, #4
ret 测试之前的状态 测试之后的状态值