【OpenCV-Python】教程:8-3 高动态范围 HDR

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OpenCV Python HDR


  • 学习如何从曝光序列生成和显示HDR图像。
  • 使用曝光融合来合并曝光序列。





在本教程中,我们展示了2种算法(Debevec, Robertson)从曝光序列生成和显示HDR图像,并演示了一种称为曝光融合的替代方法(Mertens),该方法产生低动态范围图像,不需要曝光时间数据。此外,我们还估计了摄像机响应函数(CRF),这对许多计算机视觉算法都有很大的价值。HDR管道的每一步都可以使用不同的算法和参数来实现,所以请查看参考手册来了解它们。



import numpy as np 
import cv2 

# 1. Loading exposure images into a list
img_fn = ["assets/img0.jpg", "assets/img1.jpg", "assets/img2.jpg", "assets/img3.jpg"]
img_list = [cv2.imread(fn) for fn in img_fn]

# 曝光时间
exposure_times = np.array([15.0, 2.5, 0.25, 0.0333], dtype=np.float32)

# 2. Merge exposures into HDR image
merge_debevec = cv2.createMergeDebevec()
hdr_debevec = merge_debevec.process(img_list, times=exposure_times.copy())
merge_robertson = cv2.createMergeRobertson()
hdr_robertson = merge_robertson.process(img_list, times=exposure_times.copy())

# 3. Tonemap HDR image
tonemap1 = cv2.createTonemap(gamma=2.2)
res_debevec = tonemap1.process(hdr_debevec.copy())
res_robertson = tonemap1.process(hdr_robertson.copy())

# 4. Merge exposures using Mertens fusion
merge_mertens = cv2.createMergeMertens()
res_mertens = merge_mertens.process(img_list)

# 5. Convert to 8-bit and save
res_debevec_8bit = np.clip(res_debevec*255, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
res_robertson_8bit = np.clip(res_robertson*255, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
res_mertens_8bit = np.clip(res_mertens*255, 0, 255).astype('uint8')

cv2.imshow("ldr_debevec.jpg", res_debevec_8bit)
cv2.imshow("ldr_robertson.jpg", res_robertson_8bit)
cv2.imshow("fusion_mertens.jpg", res_mertens_8bit)



cv2.MergeDebevec.process(	src, times, response[, dst]	) ->	dst
cv2.MergeDebevec.process(	src, times[, dst]	) ->	dst
cv2.MergeRobertson.process(	src, times, response[, dst]	) ->	dst
cv2.MergeRobertson.process(	src, times[, dst]	) ->	dst
cv2.MergeMertens.process(	src, times, response[, dst]	) ->	dst
cv2.MergeMertens.process(	src[, dst]	) ->	dst


  1. High Dynamic Range (HDR)
  2. Paul E Debevec and Jitendra Malik. Recovering high dynamic range radiance maps from photographs. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 classes, page 31. ACM, 2008.

  3. Mark A Robertson, Sean Borman, and Robert L Stevenson. Dynamic range improvement through multiple exposures. In Image Processing, 1999. ICIP 99. Proceedings. 1999 International Conference on, volume 3, pages 159–163. IEEE, 1999.

  4. Tom Mertens, Jan Kautz, and Frank Van Reeth. Exposure fusion. In Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007. PG’07. 15th Pacific Conference on, pages 382–390. IEEE, 2007.

  5. Images from


  6. HDR imaging