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两张没有关联的表放到一个结果集中,此处考虑使用union all,

select count(1) bcrzc,0 bsjgj,opt_time from t_manual_entry_workload a where opt_type = 'CIQ入暂存' and is_delete = 0
	union all
select 0 bcrzc,count(1) bsjgj,op_date opt_time from til_inspection_rec where brand = '保时捷' and step = '港检' and  is_deleted = 1


简单的union all查出来是以不同数据行的形式显示,需要列转行,外边就加了一层查询

select sum(a.bcrzc) bcrzc, sum(a.bsjgj) bsjgj from(
	select count(1) bcrzc,0 bsjgj,opt_time from t_manual_entry_workload a where opt_type = 'CIQ入暂存' and is_delete = 0
		union all
	select 0 bcrzc,count(1) bsjgj,op_date opt_time from til_inspection_rec where brand = '保时捷' and step = '港检' and  is_deleted = 1) a
where a.opt_time >= '2017-01-01' and a.opt_time <= '2017-11-30'


select (select count(1) from t_manual_entry_workload a where opt_type = 'CIQ入暂存' and opt_time >= '2017-01-01' and opt_time <= '2017-11-30') AAA
,(select count(1) from til_inspection_rec where brand = '保时捷' and step = '港检' and op_date >= '2017-01-01' and op_date <= '2017-11-30') BBB


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