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I had to export mysql database using mysqldump for backup reasons.

To compare the size given by phpmyadmin, I downloaded the dump on my local machine then import the dump using SQLYog into a local database.

Now, when I compare the size given by phpmyadmin on my machine and the remote machine, I end up with the imported database on my local machine to be smaller than the one on the remote machine :

remote machine database size : 112,3 Mib

local machine database size : 95,7 Mib

I would like to know what could be the reasons for such a difference ?



112,3 Mio what? Rows? b?

If it’s storage size, there’s not much to worry about, it’s about how disk space usage is optimized (vacuum/optimize table).


On the other hand if it’S rows, you’ll have to track down the tables that differ and figure out why.

use(replace schema name)

SELECT TABLE_NAME, table_rows, data_length, index_length,

round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024),2) “Size in MB”

FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = “test”

union all

SELECT ‘total’, sum(table_rows), sum(data_length), sum(index_length),

sum(round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024),2)) “Size in MB”

FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = “test” group by 1

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