1 不使用算术运算符或比较运算符的情况下检查两个数字是否相等
int compl(int a, int b){if(a^b)return 1;elsereturn 0; // 两个相等的数字,XOR运算符返回0}
2 不使用循环,打印1-10
#include #include #include using namespace std;string randStr(int n, int m){string str;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));for(int i=0;i>n>>m;string str=randStr(n,m);cout<
3 不使用共用体简单判断大小端
int endian(){unsigned int i=1;char* ch = (char*)&i;return *ch;}
4 不考虑ASCII编码的简单的大小写转换
char toLower(char ch){return (ch^32); // 异或表示不考虑进位(每位)的加法,因没有进位,+32}char toUpper(char ch){return (ch^32); // 因有进位,不考虑,-32}
return (ch^(‘a’-‘A’));
5 幽它一默关机小程序
#include #include #include int main(){char write[24]={0};printf("快说我爱凤姐,不然两分钟内关机!");system("shutdown -s -t 120");label:scanf("%s",write);if(strcmp(write,"我爱凤姐")==0){printf("哈哈,你这个变态~");system("shutdown -a");system("pause");}else{printf("不想说?等着关说明吧!");goto label;}return 0;}
6 生成随机字符串
#include #include #include using namespace std;string randStr(int n, int m){string str;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));for(int i=0;i
7 从子字符串处截断
#include "stdio.h"#include "string.h"char *mystrstr(const char *str1, const char *str2){char *src,*sub;if(str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL){printf("The string is error!");exit(0);}while(*str1 != '0'){src = str1;sub = str2;do{if(*sub == '0'){return str1; /*找到子串*/}}while(*src++ == *sub++);str1++;}return NULL;}void main() {char str1[] = "This is a test,how to find!";char str2[] = "test", * pos;printf("str1: %s",str1);printf("str2: %s",str2);pos = mystrstr(str1,str2);if (pos != NULL) {printf("The substring2: %s",pos);} else {printf("No this substring2");}if (pos != NULL) {str1[pos-str1]='0';printf("The substring1: %s",str1);} else {printf("No this substring1");}system("pause");}/*str1: This is a test,how to find!str2: testThe substring2: test,how to find!The substring1: This is a*/
8 汉字的逆序输出
#include #include #include int main(){ char str[20] = "我爰你!"; for (int i = strlen(str)-1; i >=0;) { if (str[i] >= 0 && str[i] <= 127) // ASCII 0-127,一个字节存储一个ASCII字符 { printf("%c", str[i]); i--; } else // 两个字节存储一个汉字字符 { i--; printf("%c%c", str[i], str[i + 1]); i--; } } printf(""); system("pause"); return 0;}