Non-uniform Illumination Image Enhancement Based on the Power Low Transformation and MSR
ZHANG Ya-fei
(Department of Communication Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China )
Abstract: Concerning the loss of details in the dark areas of non-uniform illumination images, the algorithm of non-uniform illumination image enhancement based on the power transform and MSR(Multi-Scale Retinex) is proposed. Firstly, the power low transformation on non-uniform illumination image is used to expand the dynamic range of the gray value in the dark areas and enhance the image details in the dark areas. Then, the result of the power low transformation is processed further based on MSR to improve the image contrast. The experiments show that the algorithm can eliminate non-uniform illumination and maintain the high contrast of the image, at the same time, enhance the details of dark areas in the original image.
Key words:non-uniform illumination image; image enhancement; power low transformation; MSR(Multi-Scale Retinex)
1 MSR算法
Retinex(视网膜“Retina”和大脑皮层“Cortex”的缩写)是E. land[5-6]提出来的关于人类视觉系统如何调节感知到物体的颜色和亮度的模型,这个模型诠释了为什么同样的物体在不同光源或光线下颜色是恒定