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摘 要



关键词 :租房系统;SSM框架技术;MySQL数据库;


In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s economy and the acceleration of the process of urbanization.However, with the rise of new house prices, more and more buyers have turned their attention to the housing rental market . The relative price of rental housing is better, and can be checked in with bags. The mature community can directly bring mature supporting facilities and services, which is very cost-effective for the tenants.

This time through SSM framework technology to build an online rental website, which can realize online registration of housing information for the lessor, online viewing of information for the lessee, online communication with the lessor, and online rental application. The administrator in the background can maintain and manage the whole system by means of management.

Key words: rental system; SSM framework technology; MySQL database;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1 概述 1

1.1课题背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.3 目的和意义 2

2 系统开发环境 3

2.1 SSM介绍 3

2.2MySQL数据库 3

2.3 MyEclipse与Tomcat 3

3 系统分析 4

3.1需求分析 4

3.2 可行性分析 4

3.2.1 技术可行性 4

3.2.2 经济可行性 5

3.2.3 运行可行性 5

3.2.4 法律可行性 6

3.3需求研究方法 6

3.4 系统用例分析 6

3.5基础功能实现 8

3.6非功能性需求分析 8

3.6.1端到端响应时间 8

3.6.2安全性 8

3.6.3易用性需求 9

4 系统设计 10

4.1 系统设计原则 10

4.2 系统结构设计 11

4.3数据库设计 11

4.3.3 数据库表设计 12

5.1 租房系统界面展示 14

5.2求租信息界面 14

5.3管理员管理界面 15

5.4房源管理界面 16

5.5房东管理界面 16

6系统测试 17

6.1测试目的 17

6.2单元测试 17

6.3可用性测试 17

6.4测试结果 18

结 论 19

致 谢 20

参考文献 21

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