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You must modify the rules for the default security group because users cannot access instances that use the default group from

any IP address outside the cloud.

You can modify the rules in a security group to allow access to instances through different ports and protocols. For example,

you can modify rules to allow access to instances through SSH, to ping them, or to allow UDP traffic – for example, for a DNS

server running on an instance. You specify the following parameters for rules:

Source of traffic. Enable traffic to instances from either IP addresses inside the cloud from other group members or from all IP addresses.

Protocol. Choose TCP for SSH, ICMP for pings, or UDP.

Destination port on virtual machine. Defines a port range. To open a single port only, enter the same value twice. ICMP does not support ports: Enter values to define the codes and types of ICMP traffic to be allowed.

Rules are automatically enforced as soon as you create or modify them.

注: 已通过测试, 修改默认 secgroup 或自定义 secgroup 都可以完成数据访问测试


  1. [root@station140 ~(keystone_admin)]# nova help | grep secgroup
  2. add-secgroup        Add a Security Group to a server.
  3. list-secgroup       List Security Group(s) of a server.
  4. remove-secgroup     Remove a Security Group from a server.
  5. secgroup-add-group-rule
  6. secgroup-add-rule   Add a rule to a security group.
  7. secgroup-create     Create a security group.
  8. secgroup-delete     Delete a security group.
  9. secgroup-delete-group-rule
  10. secgroup-delete-rule
  11. secgroup-list       List security groups for the current tenant.
  12. secgroup-list-rules
  13. secgroup-update     Update a security group.



  1. [root@station140 ~(keystone_admin)]# nova secgroup-create terry “allow ping and ssh”
  2. +————————————–+——-+——————–+
  3. | Id                                   | Name  | Description        |
  4. +————————————–+——-+——————–+
  5. | 6966a8e4-0980-40ad-a409-baac65b60287 | terry | allow ping and ssh |
  6. +————————————–+——-+——————–+



  1. [root@station140 ~(keystone_admin)]# nova  secgroup-list
  2. +————————————–+———+——————–+
  3. | Id                                   | Name    | Description        |
  4. +————————————–+———+——————–+
  5. | 91a191a6-b89e-4f87-99c0-0fb985985978 | default | default            |
  6. | 6966a8e4-0980-40ad-a409-baac65b60287 | terry   | allow ping and ssh |
  7. +————————————–+———+——————–+



  1. [root@station140 ~(keystone_admin)]# nova  secgroup-list-rules default
  2. +————-+———–+———+———-+————–+
  3. | IP Protocol | From Port | To Port | IP Range | Source Group |
  4. +————-+———–+———+———-+————–+
  5. |             |           |         |          | default      |
  6. |             |           |         |          | default      |
  7. +————-+———–+———+———-+————–+


增加规则方法 (允许 ping)

  1. [root@station140 ~(keystone_admin)]# nova secgroup-add-rule terry icmp -1 -1
  2. +————-+———–+———+———–+————–+
  3. | IP Protocol | From Port | To Port | IP Range  | Source Group |
  4. +————-+———–+———+———–+————–+
  5. | icmp        | -1        | -1      | |              |
  6. +————-+———–+———+———–+————–+


增加规则方法 (允许 ssh)

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