java 8u161 8u162,JDK 9.0.4,8u161,8u162 发布,Java 开发工具包

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JDK 9.0.4版本发布,此版本的完整版本字符串是9.0.4 + 11 (其中“+”表示“build”)。这是JDK 9的最终计划版本。


JNLP files won’t launch from IE11 on Windows 10 Creators Update

s390: Some java boolean checks are not correct

Provide media support for libav version 57

Underscore not visible in HTML combo box options inside webview

Possible crash due to use‑after‑free

Open‑source the Oracle JDK Root Certificates

A comment in the configuration file incorrectly says

that “strong but limited” is the default value

Negotiated Finite Field Diffie‑Hellman Ephemeral Parameters for TLS

完整更新内容请查看 发布主页 。

JDK 8u162发布。此更新版本的完整版本字符串是1.8.0_162-b12(其中“b”表示“build”)。



Characters are skipped on input of Korean text on OS X

Create an alternative fix for JDK‑8167102, whose fix was backed out

[macos] Font2DTest demo started failing for Arabic range from JDK 8

u162 b01 on Mac

完整内容请查看 发布主页 。

JDK 8u161发布。此更新版本的完整版本字符串是1.8.0_161-b12(其中“b”表示“build”)。


Resizing dialog which is JWindow parent makes JVM crash

Text in native popup is not always updated with Sogou IME

DNS provider cleanups

64 bit java install not setting jnlp associate if lower 32bit

versions exist

JVM crashes sometimes while starting

