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目前TuGraph关于java api相关的资料比较少,所以想做一个基于官网API的例子,结尾有相关代码的官方gitee地址,建议手动创建项目然后结合官方和本文的代码去实现。

package com.tugraph;
import com.antgroup.tugraph.TuGraphRpcClient;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class TuGraphRpcClientDemo {
    static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TuGraphRpcClientDemo.class);
    // 连接TuGraph 客户端对象
    TuGraphRpcClient client = new TuGraphRpcClient("list://ip:9090","admin", "73@TuGraph");

     * 先删除再创建
     * @param graphName
    void deleteAndCreate(String graphName) {
        try {
            // delete graph
            client.callCypher(String.format("CALL dbms.graph.deleteGraph('%s')", graphName), "default", 1000);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // create graph
        client.callCypher(String.format("CALL dbms.graph.createGraph('%s', 'this is a demo graph', 20)", graphName), "default", 1000);

    // import data by configuration file
    void demo1() throws IOException {
        String graphName = "demo1";
        // create vertex and edge labels described in 'schema' section of `movie/import_for_java_demo.json`
        client.importSchemaFromFile("movie/import_for_java_demo.json", graphName, 1000);

        // get all vertex labels
        String res = client.callCypher("CALL db.vertexLabels()", graphName, 1000);"CALL db.vertexLabels() : " + res);
        // get all edge labels
        res = client.callCypher("CALL db.edgeLabels()", graphName, 1000);"CALL db.edgeLabels() : " + res);

        // import vertex and edge data described in 'files' section of `movie/import_for_java_demo.json`
        client.importDataFromFile("movie/import_for_java_demo.json",",", true, 4, 0, graphName, 10000);

        // count all vertexs
        String vertexCount = client.callCypher("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)", graphName, 1000);;
        // count all edges
        String edgeCount = client.callCypher("MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN count(r)", graphName, 1000);;

    // import data by data block
    void demo2() throws IOException {
        String graphName = "demo2";
        // create vertex and edge labels described in 'schema' section of `movie/import_for_java_demo.json`
        client.importSchemaFromFile("movie/import_for_java_demo.json", graphName, 1000);
    "files": [
            "format": "CSV",
            "label": "person",
            "columns": ["id", "name", "born", "poster_image"]
        String personDesc = "{\n" +
                "            \"files\": [\n" +
                "                {\n" +
                "                    \"format\": \"CSV\",\n" +
                "                    \"label\": \"person\",\n" +
                "                    \"columns\": [\"id\", \"name\", \"born\", \"poster_image\"]\n" +
                "                }\n" +
                "            ]\n" +
                "        }";

2,Laurence Fishburne,1961,
3,Carrie-Anne Moss,1967,
4,Hugo Weaving,1960,
5,Gloria Foster,1933,
6,Joe Pantoliano,1951,
7,Marcus Chong,1967,
8,Matt Doran,1976,
9,Anthony Ray Parker,1958,
10,Keanu Reeves,1964,

        String personData = "2,Laurence Fishburne,1961,\n" +
                "3,Carrie-Anne Moss,1967,\n" +
                "4,Hugo Weaving,1960,\n" +
                "5,Gloria Foster,1933,\n" +
                "6,Joe Pantoliano,1951,\n" +
                "7,Marcus Chong,1967,\n" +
                "8,Matt Doran,1976,\n" +
                "9,Anthony Ray Parker,1958,\n" +
                "10,Keanu Reeves,1964,";

        // import vertex data of 'person' label
        // personData : data block in csv format
        // personDesc : describe the detailed format of the data block
        client.importDataFromContent(personDesc, personData, ",", true, 4, graphName, 10000);

    "files": [
          "format": "CSV",
          "label": "movie",
          "columns": ["id","title","tagline","summary","poster_image","duration","rated"]
        String moiveDesc = "{\n" +
                "    \"files\": [\n" +
                "        {\n" +
                "          \"format\": \"CSV\",\n" +
                "          \"label\": \"movie\",\n" +
                "          \"columns\": [\"id\",\"title\",\"tagline\",\"summary\",\"poster_image\",\"duration\",\"rated\"]\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    ]\n" +

82,Pulp Fiction,Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character.,placeholder text,,154,R
130,Cloud Atlas,Everything is Connected,placeholder text,,172,R
457,The Shawshank Redemption,Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.,placeholder text,,142,R
471,The Godfather,An offer you can't refuse.,placeholder text,,175,R
496,The Godfather: Part II,I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out\ Tom. Just my enemies.,placeholder text,,200,R
517,The Good\ the Bad and the Ugly,For three men the Civil War wasn't hell. It was practice.,placeholder text,,161,R
532,The Dark Knight,Why So Serious?,placeholder text,,152,PG-13
564,The Dark Knight Rises,The Legend Ends,placeholder text,,165,PG-13
        String moiveData = "82,Pulp Fiction,Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character.,placeholder text,,154,R\n" +
                "130,Cloud Atlas,Everything is Connected,placeholder text,,172,R\n" +
                "457,The Shawshank Redemption,Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.,placeholder text,,142,R\n" +
                "471,The Godfather,An offer you can't refuse.,placeholder text,,175,R\n" +
                "496,The Godfather: Part II,I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out\\ Tom. Just my enemies.,placeholder text,,200,R\n" +
                "517,The Good\\ the Bad and the Ugly,For three men the Civil War wasn't hell. It was practice.,placeholder text,,161,R\n" +
                "532,The Dark Knight,Why So Serious?,placeholder text,,152,PG-13\n" +
                "564,The Dark Knight Rises,The Legend Ends,placeholder text,,165,PG-13";

        // import vertex data of 'moive' label
        // moiveData : data block in csv format
        // moiveDesc : describe the detailed format of the data block
        client.importDataFromContent(moiveDesc, moiveData, ",", true, 4, graphName, 10000);

    "files": [
            "columns": ["SRC_ID", "DST_ID", "role"]
        String actedInDesc = "{\n" +
                "    \"files\": [\n" +
                "        {\n" +
                "            \"format\":\"CSV\",\n" +
                "            \"label\":\"acted_in\",\n" +
                "            \"SRC_ID\":\"person\",\n" +
                "            \"DST_ID\":\"movie\",\n" +
                "            \"columns\": [\"SRC_ID\", \"DST_ID\", \"role\"]\n" +
                "        }\n" +
                "    ]\n" +


        String actedInData = "2,82,Morpheus\n" +
                "2,130,Morpheus\n" +
                "2,457,Morpheus\n" +
                "3,496,Trinity\n" +
                "3,517,Trinity\n" +

        // import edge data of 'acted_in' label
        // actedInData : data block in csv format
        // actedInDesc : describe the detailed format of the data block
        client.importDataFromContent(actedInDesc, actedInData, ",", true, 4, graphName, 10000);

        // get all vertex labels
        String res = client.callCypher("CALL db.vertexLabels()", graphName, 1000);"CALL db.vertexLabels() : " + res);
        // get all edge labels
        res = client.callCypher("CALL db.edgeLabels()", graphName, 1000);"CALL db.edgeLabels() : " + res);

        // count all vertexs
        String vertexCount = client.callCypher("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)", graphName, 1000);;
        // count all edges
        String edgeCount = client.callCypher("MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN count(r)", graphName, 1000);;

    // create vertex and edge labels by cypher statements
    // create vertex and edge data by cypher statements
    void demo3() throws IOException {
        String graphName = "demo3";
        // create vertex `person` label
        client.callCypher("CALL db.createVertexLabel(" +
                "'person'," +  // vertex name
                "'id'," +      // primary property
                "'id', int32, false," +
                "'name', string, false," +
                "'born', int32, true," +
                "'poster_image', string, true" +
                ")", graphName, 1000);

        // create vertex `movie` label
        client.callCypher("CALL db.createVertexLabel(" +
                "'movie'," +  // vertex name
                "'id'," +     // primary property
                "'id',int32, false," +
                "'title', string, false," +
                "'tagline', string, false," +
                "'summary', string, true," +
                "'poster_image', string, true," +
                "'duration', int32, false," +
                "'rated', string, true" +
                ")", graphName, 1000);

        // create edge `acted_in` label
        client.callCypher(("CALL db.createEdgeLabel(" +
                "'acted_in'," + // edge name
                "'[]'," +      // edge constraints. empty array means no constraints;
                "'role', string, false)"), graphName, 1000);

        // doc-zh/3.developer-document/

        // 2,Laurence Fishburne,1961,
        // create vertex by cypher
        client.callCypher("CREATE (n:person {" +
                "id: 2," +
                "name: 'Laurence Fishburne'," +
                "born: 1961," +
                "poster_image: ''})", graphName, 1000);

        // 130,Cloud Atlas,Everything is Connected,placeholder text,,172,R
        // create vertex by cypher
        client.callCypher("CREATE (n:movie {" +
                "id: 130," +
                "title: 'Cloud Atlas'," +
                "tagline:'Everything is Connected'," +
                "summary: 'placeholder text'," +
                "poster_image: ''," +
                "duration: 172," +
                "rated: 'R'})", graphName, 1000);

        // create edge by cypher
        client.callCypher("MATCH (a:person), (b:movie) WHERE = 2 AND = 130 CREATE (a)-[r:acted_in {role: 'Morpheus'}]->(b)", graphName, 1000);

        // get all vertex labels
        String res = client.callCypher("CALL db.vertexLabels()", graphName, 1000);"CALL db.vertexLabels() : " + res);
        // get all edge labels
        res = client.callCypher("CALL db.edgeLabels()", graphName, 1000);"CALL db.edgeLabels() : " + res);

        // count all vertexs
        String vertexCount = client.callCypher("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)", graphName, 1000);;
        // count all edges
        String edgeCount = client.callCypher("MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN count(r)", graphName, 1000);;


  ~ Copyright (c) 2022 AntGroup, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


    <!--    <packaging>pom</packaging>-->

            <name>Apache 2.0</name>





log4j.rootLogger = info,stdout,D,E

log4j.appender.stdout = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
log4j.appender.stdout.Target = System.out
log4j.appender.stdout.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern = [%-5p] %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}ms, [%t]:%m%n


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