ehcache在put数据实例(数据实例已转化为Element实例对象),该对象到磁盘时(此时内存缓存已满,按照ehcache.xml中设定的策略,超过部分存储在磁盘),会判断当前disk store spool is full,如果已满,需进行50ms的sleep,降低生产线程放入的速度。
* Put an element in the cache.
* <p/>
* Resets the access statistics on the element, which would be the case if it has previously been
* gotten from a cache, and is now being put back.
* <p/>
* Also notifies the CacheEventListener that:
* <ul>
* <li>the element was put, but only if the Element was actually put.
* <li>if the element exists in the cache, that an update has occurred, even if the element would be expired
* if it wa
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