- 观测数据是分散且不规则分布的,不在网格点上,而给定的低分辨率数据为均匀网格。NCL中有多个插值函数,如双线性插值等,本次插值使用了使用Cressman插值方法,即能保留元数据的obj_anal_ic_Wrap函数,影响半径选择为rscan = (/10,5,3/),剔除距离远处站点数值的影响,只考虑区域附近站点气象要素值,保证插值效果。
dem_lo_res = addfile("./station_to_lowgrid/DemLoRes.nc", "r")
lon_lr = dem_lo_res->lon ;dlon = 0.5
lat_lr = dem_lo_res->lat ;dlat = 0.5
tem_origin = asciiread("./station_to_lowgrid/20200808tem.txt", (/699,8/),"float")
lon_tem = tem_origin(:,2)
lat_tem = tem_origin(:,1)
tem = tem_origin(:,7)
olon = fspan(88.25, 111.75, 48)
olat = fspan(20.25, 35.75, 32)
grid_tem = new((/32,48/),float) ;creat a frame to store the interpolated variables
olon!0 = "lon"
olon@long_name = "lon"
olon@units = "degrees-east"
olon&lon = olon
olat!0 = "lat"
olat@long_name = "lat"
olat@units = "degrees_north"
olat&lat = olat
tem@_FillValue = 9.96921e+36
rscan = (/10,5,3/) ;A one-dimensional array of length K specifying the successive radii of influence.
;rscam must be expressed in degrees of latitude and should be monotonically decreasing
grid_tem = obj_anal_ic_Wrap(lon_tem,lat_tem,tem,olon,olat,rscan, False) ;Creanm
grid_tem@units = "degC"
grid_tem@long_name = "Daily Mean Temperature"
grid_tem@_FillValue = 9.96921e+36
grid_tem@missing_value = 9.96921e+36
grid_tem@time = time
system("rm -f ./station_to_lowgrid/LiKeXin_LoRes.nc")
fout = addfile("./station_to_lowgrid/LiKeXin_LoRes.nc","c")
fout@title = "NetCDF of Daily Mean Temperature in 2020.08.08"
fout->temperature = grid_tem
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