基于Matlab的单相电压型PWM整流电路仿真与设计 摘 要 现代工业中,很多场合需要进行电能变换,例如把直流电能变为交流电能,交流电能变为直流电能。直流电能变为交流电能由逆变器实现,交流电能变为直流电能由整流器实现。随着整流器的广泛应用,关于传统整流器的一些问题也日益突出,输入功率因数较低,输入电流含有大量谐波。针对传统的不控整流和相控整流中存在的谐波污染问题,采用直接电流控制中的双环控制策略,设计了单相全桥电压型PWM整流器的控制系统。建立了系统的SIMULINK模型并进行了仿真。仿真结果表明:该控制系统结构设计合理,参数选取适当,能实现有效控制。 详细分析单相电压型PWM整流电路的工作原理和工作模式。说明通过对PWM电路进行控制,选择合适的工作模式和工作时序,可使PWM整流电路的输出直流电压得到有效的稳定。 近年来PWM整流器迅速成为了研究热点,因为它不仅获得了可控的AC/DC变换性能,而且具有输入单位功率因数和低谐波电流,能量双向传输等优点。 关键词:单相电压型;PWM整流;功率因数;Matlab仿真 The single-phase voltage source PWM rectifier circuit based on Matlab simulation and design Abstract In modern industry, we need for power conversion on many occasions, for example, the exchange of AC power into DC power and DC power into AC power.AC power can be transferred into DC power by using the rectifier and DC power can be transferred into AC power by using the inverter. Since the rectifiers are extensively used, several problems with regard to traditional rectifiers have arisen in recent years, such as a low power factor,and the harmonics in the currents.In order to eliminate the harmonic pollution caused by the traditional phase controlled or uncontrolled rectifiers, a single-phase full-bridge voltage-type rectifier has been designed in which the 2-ring control PWM technique of directly current-controlled strategies is adopted.And the SIMULENK model has been built to simulate this system. The result thus indicates that the control system is of logical configuration and proper parameter. The theory and working modes about single-phase voltage source PWM rectifier are elaborately analysed in this paper,which illust rate that the voltage in DC side can be effectively stabilized with PWM control by selecting burst mode and time. Therefore, pulse-width modulated rectifiers have rapidly attracted the research interest over the past few years due to some of their significant advantages, such as controllable of AC-DC voltage, unity power factor, low harmonic distortion of currents, power regeneration capability, etc. Keywords:single-phase voltage type;PWM Rectifier;The power factor;Matlab Simulation. 目 录 引言1 第1章 概述1 1.1本课题研究的意义2 1.2国内外研究现状3 1.3本论文研究的主要工作3 第2章PWM控制技术4 2.1 PWM简介4 2.2 PWM控制原理和应用4 2.3 PWM控制技术的应用8 第3章 功率因数校正技术9 3.1功率因数校正简介9 3.2有源功率因数校正(APFC)技术16 3.3提高功率因数的几种方法23 3.4提高功率因数的实际意义23 第4章Matlab 仿真实验25 4.1电路的工作原理25 4.2实验要求27 4.3Matlab仿真步骤和波形27 4.4主封装图以及各子系统32 4.5仿真结论33 结论和展望34 结论34 展望34 致谢35 参考文献36 附录1:英文翻译(原文部分)37 附录2:英文翻译(部分译文)41 插图清单 图2-1 形状不同而冲量相同的各种窄脉冲..................4 图2-2 冲量相同的各种窄脉冲的响应波形..................5 图2-3 PWM波代替正弦波.........................5 图2-4 规则采样法.............................7 图2-5 滞环比较法控制的原理框图....................8 图3-1 乘法器控制的PFC原理框图........................11 图3-2 电感输入型与电容输入型PFC电路图....................